The Rebel Faction

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Galactic Citizen

empty title?

I updated Anthos' listing. All links now point to the new board, and the hypervelocity gun mk II added to the list.


#8 7:52pm 13/08/04


Superior Battleship, for TNO.

EDIT: and why are numbers 8 and 13 still listed under TNO? Those were supposed to have been removed.

#7 7:19pm 13/08/04

heh...Muchos Gracias Senor!

#6 6:44pm 13/08/04


Just because you bought me a pint, Seth. ;)

#5 2:46pm 11/08/04

Could someone replace the broken link to teh Vinda-Corp ASCA System , with this:


That , I believe should be the correct topic.

#4 1:54am 09/08/04

*Looks around blankly*

Ummm.... I knew that....

*Hides head in shame at his own stupidity*

#3 10:46pm 08/08/04

It has already. Check the list. *points up*

#2 8:23pm 08/08/04


Please add this for the Union.

#1 6:44pm 04/08/04

Updated BDE's listing. I added the [I]Barbary[/I]-class Police Corvette to the list.