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Galactic Citizen

General R&D: Singular KDY-150 Planetery Ion Cannon

Instead of just protecting the entire planet, a single cannon can only cover 1/4 of the planet. Which, if the person or faction only wants to protect that 1/4 from planetery bombardement, that's ok. 1500 meters, the current build time for a planetery network, should be divided by 4, since only one cannon is being built. That equates to 375 meters. But, since a planetery defense is still a planetery defense, I propose a simple build time of 5 days, with the 375 meters being only the drain on the mantinence of meterage.


#7 3:10am 18/08/04

Exactly my point. Unless they want to drop ground forces, they would have to come on the other side of the planet to get at the base, and thus the planetery ion cannon would be there defending it.

#6 2:03am 18/08/04

That is very likely, guys. However, a singular canon would have its advantadges as well. For example, if I wanted to build a single base on a planet, it would make little sense to place an entire network of defences. A single gun - like the one that protected Echo base - would be ideal. It would also encourage ground fighting, something which TRF is (unfortunately, imo) lacking. A "Battle of Hoth" scenario is next to impossible at TRF. But in SW Canon, it would be a common occurence.

Basically, if someone wants to build a single shield/gun/whatever, let them. They know and accept the limitations, I see no problem with it. And since a single gun will most likely be used to cover a base (I can't see another reason for it, myself), enemy forces will have to come into range of the guns if they want to establish a blockade and/or prevent the escape of enemy forces...

#5 1:36am 18/08/04

Agreed on a vote of 'No' to Amendment 242 to section C of subsection A-1 in regards to stormtrooper anal explosives in academy training courses.

Oh, and no to this too...

#4 1:34am 18/08/04


I vote "no" on this.

#3 7:32pm 17/08/04

It's not just that, the reason they were made systems is because groups *coincidentally* jumped into the side of the planet unprotected by the cannons, and thus people began building 8-10 cannons a planet.

Thus, they were made systems.

The same will happen again. People will jump in magically where the cannon isn't, and there will be much hating.

#2 7:29pm 17/08/04

I must agree with Ahnk, this seems a bit like a copout to deal with the recently revealed (more accurately, recently remembered) rule where planetary defences count for meters.

#1 7:01pm 17/08/04
