The Rebel Faction

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Galactic Citizen

empty title?

I'll sticky it, thanks.


#10 7:59pm 23/07/04

*Pops in breifly from DC*

What do you mean it isn't approved- it has two approvals does it not!?!?

Wait it doesn't. Greivious- i believe i changed the only slight wording problem with the text long ago, so please stamp approval. (or any R&D mod for that matter.)

*Is dragged away*

#9 4:43pm 19/07/04

Added all, except the Union's Immolator-class battleship. It has not been approved.

#8 4:05am 17/07/04



Well then the these two should be added as well.

#7 4:15am 16/07/04

R&D's should be added to this list immediatly upon approval.

#6 2:32am 16/07/04


I believe this has completed it's R&D time.

#5 12:49pm 06/07/04

IC reasons. I think within their group certain parts of the faction can and do build different things depending on where they come from.

#4 4:14am 06/07/04

Why is Farfalen listed as a seperate group from BDE?

#3 4:29am 21/06/04

Simon gave the go ahead on this. The MACC, and Executive need to be removed from under TNO's list.

#2 4:31pm 19/06/04

Added Tion DragonClaw to the list under BDE.

#1 8:50pm 15/06/04

Crap, that's going to be a pain to fix.

[edit: Actually, it won't be that bad. This board has an awesome search feature that actually works.]