Union R&D 3- Redoubt Class Space Station
Redoubt Class Space Station
Tagge Company
Deep Space Defensive Station, Customs/Interdiction
4,000 Meters
1,500 Meters
750 meters
1.5 Years
Cargo Space:
10,000 Metric Tons
Energy- 50,000 SBD, Particle- 8,000 RU
32,000 RU
175 Dual Turbolaser Batteries
150 Quad Laser Cannons
100 Ion Cannons
50 Heavy Triple Turbolaser Batteries
25 Tractor Beam Projectors
4 Gravity Well Projectors
Hangar Capacity:
20 Squadrons (240 Fighters)
Assorted Transports, Shuttles and Cargo Vessels.
A massive undertaking begun after the ascent of Edipus Tagge to the head of the massive Tagge Company, the Redoubt class space station was designed to become a flagship project for already established weapons manufacturer. Redoubt stations are imobile fortresses, designed to hold off entire task forces until reinforcments can be summoned, as well as huge port of calls, that can handle massive amounts of trade traffic in its cavernous hanger bays. Designed to be placed away from a planet in it's major hyperlanes, Redoubt's are created to be the first line of defense from both hostile forces like enemy fleets, as well as economic dangers such as smugglers and disease ridden ships.
Their huge size is well utilized, but excess space can be devoted to hotels, resturaunts and other amentities that reinforce their position as the first stop on the way to a planet. These locations can be located in a general area and seal from vital military areas by a variety of security bulkheads, doors and other measures. While the station can support nearly 50,000 beings at one time, a standard contingent of active pesonale is about 28,000.
65 Day R&D time
Started: 7/01/04
Completion Date: 9/04/04
#16 2:52pm 16/07/04
Alrighty then, I'll let it go.
#15 3:17am 16/07/04
And it's unacceptable (imo) that an R&D mod should be able to "withdraw" their approval, at all. The more so when they say "do all this or I'll unapprove it, because I didn't look at it before."
#14 1:41am 16/07/04
I am back. Grevious..... the reason everything is so high is the fact that this is a space station. It can't move. Its is completly defensive. Space stations cannot dodge fire, they cannot manuver to othe positions. They are designed to sit and absorb punishment and dish out as much fire as they can. A space station is also unavilable for any offensive action hosted by a group.
Also, think about this OOCly as well as ICly. Its 4,000 meters of my meterage, 40 days of shipyard time. If I wanted an R&D with weapons comprible to a 4000 meter starship, I would have R&D a 4000 meter starship- and partaken of its many advantages. Such as beign able to retreat from a losing conflict and salavage a powerful ship- and being able to attack my enemies- neither of which are capable with this design.
I could build approximatly 3 ISDs in this time period, which would give me combined more turbolasers (180) and more Ion cannons (180)- plus the ability to move them to defend any planet I choose, carry 12 squadrons of fighters and strike anywhere in the galaxy. Thus- why R&D a station with only a marginal increase in firepower (if such weapons reductions are completed), or even a decrease in firepower, no mobility or striking capacity, yet taking the same amount of time to build? Its not sensible. I'd rather scrap this R&D and develop save a slot for something of value.
My final contention is why is this R&D even being reviewed. It garned two approvals. I believe a similiar point was made by a player during TNO resubmissions on the old board..... and it was stated that since the R&Ds were approved, that they would not be altered. Two R&D mods stamped an approval this R&D, and I think it sets a bad presicdent if just because a non R&D mod makes one comment the R&D needs to be re-done.
#13 4:15pm 14/07/04
I don't see anything wrong with having very high shields and figher capacity. Look at the size of the engines on an ISD, and how much space they take up. This is over two times the size of that, and it has no engines. Lots and lots of extra space, not to mention a significant lack of power drain.
#12 2:39pm 14/07/04
Actually, I just glanced at it, so no.
#11 4:37am 14/07/04
roflol @ Kyric.
Grevious, remember, no engines and no hyperdrive. That's a heck of a lot of space and energy that can be devoted to other things.
#10 4:10am 14/07/04
Did you even look at the damned thing?
#9 6:36pm 13/07/04
Energy- 50,000 SBD, Particle- 8,000 RU
32,000 RU[/i]
I must have overlooked this. It is too high. Reduce it.
[i]20 Squadrons (240 Fighters)[/i]
Too many. Reduce as well.
[i]175 Dual Turbolaser Batteries
150 Quad Laser Cannons
100 Ion Cannons
Reduce these at least by half. You have more than enough weaponry to sustain itself in battle.
Please comply, or my approval will be withdrawn.
#8 4:32pm 13/07/04
Though it is too late, the shields and armor on this thing, along with weapons, and fighter capacity are high... especially the shields.
#7 4:23pm 11/07/04
#6 6:08pm 10/07/04
This station is not a replacment, merely an addition. It will be built in a shipyard like a normal ship, and but deployed as a defensive weapon.
#5 5:20pm 10/07/04
Will this space station be a substitute for your planetary defenses or just an addition to them?
#4 5:03pm 01/07/04
It's a space-faring craft, it would be constructed in a shipyard.
#3 4:50pm 01/07/04
Whichever the mod suggest it for. I don't really mind, and am open to suggestions.
#2 2:42pm 01/07/04
Same question applied from Dolash.