Malleable Technologies
The next step in Daemun technologies, taking the assembler leap to its next, logical, conclusion. With the use of masses of Assembler/Dissasembler coatings over variably constituted container materials, these set ups are actually able to change into their owners needs.*1* Testing thus far has been nothing but successfull as entire buildings have been formed from such methods, able to use the ground they are built from to become larger or smaller, more intracte interior or simpler more open scenery, to customize specifics to their controllers needs.Future inovations in these feilds holds boundless oprotunities for advancement in all fields of operations, especially in everyday civilian life. Designed specifically to respond to the MindDrive of the normal citizen, and attuned to specific frequancies of said individuals, this new wave promises to be a true heaven send from Lord Raktus himself.
*1: Also of a noteable foray into this feild was the lately popular kids toy, Malle-a-ball. Malle-a-ball was merely a small stone ball, able to in the span of minutes form into the shapes of many popular toys of the day in pre-programed fashion.
#4 10:54pm 12/12/03
#3 3:59am 24/11/03
It could, if one were feasable, but it is not in the star wars universe. It can make Star Wars and BDE techs, with the above restrictions Ive discussed with Lup...
EDIT: would have already finished being R&D'd....
#2 3:03am 24/11/03
I would imagine it would not be capable of creating complex machinery, much like the Liquid Terminator.
#1 3:56pm 23/11/03
Assuming of course there are certain limitations. Obviously, you could make a blaster out of the materials, but it would be unable to function, since you can't produce the relevant blaster gas.