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Galactic Citizen

Field-Class Shield Array

This shield uses standard technology in a way allowing the stopping of all projectile, beam, particle, or otherwise weapons or dangerous matter. Rather than using a dual array shield, the shield uses four phases for defense. The first phase is a Neo Ray shield used to stop most energy discharges of all types that make contact with the shield. This shield is a lace of energized particles that are used to destroy projectiles that collide with the shield, either fully stopping their forward motion or utterly vaporizing the weapon or, in some rare instances, causing the projectile to explode.

Next comes the Destabilization Field. This simple device is a projection of destabilizing waves generated through quantum inclusion, reduction, and mass destabilization which causes particle adhesion/cohesion to be impossible, in effect causing projectiles to shatter into their most basic parts. This shield also has an added effect against energy-based technology by ripping the particles apart. If those particles are energized or the projectile in avertedly explodes, the next step protects the craft.

The final field that is projected is the Stabilizer Field, which is totally unrelated to the Destabilization Field. This field simply absorbs shocks that would otherwise riddle the ship from explosions and discharges.

Each field, while simultanously maintained by a single array of emmiters per portion of vessel coverage, not including back up emiters, can be raised and lowered indescriminatly of each of its succesor fields. When raised, all fields become operational, if specified fields are to be lowered this must be declared or else said field is to be considered raised.

The Neo Ray shield uses fairly simple technology to absorb and disperse energy that collides with it. The advanced shield generators, which have backup power-cells along with shock absorption fields and mystery-based micro-management processors, project a field of ion energy known as an ion lace. This lace absorbs the normally penetrating and disabling weapon discharge produced through ionization by simply making the attacking beam nullified in its own element, caused by the equal amounts of energy colliding and ripping each other apart. The next field, the containment field, is projected directly after the ion lace and a second is projected, with space-in-between the two, behind it, generating a pocket. These fields contain the main field the shield generates. The final field to be projected is the energy destabilization and reorganization field. This field breaks up the energy and disperses it along the entire field until its charge is lost or it has been broken down far enough that it poses no threat and simply slides off the shields.

<li>Due to Power requesites, only ships 2500m and larger may be equiped with the Field-Class Shield Array
<li>Prevents 65% of damage from all weapon types
<li>Portions of the shield coorisponding to the weapon type being fired out must be lowered to fire said weapon
<li>Lowering and raising a section of shield requires two posts, one post for lowering the other for raising


#56 7:17pm 16/04/04

It's not as if anyone else is paying attention to this R&D anyway....

#55 5:07am 16/04/04

I'd hope you wouldnt, that whole on/off cut back was due to you...

#54 2:14am 16/04/04

Well, I haven't rejected your R&D. I don't really have problems with it.

I just take issue with that arguement.

#53 5:03pm 14/04/04

I set a specific and narrow guideline on what this can stop, Whos to say theres not a cannon weapon that can get by? I dont know 'everything' you know, maybe theres something out there I missed. Anyways, I dunno what the huge problem is, more than likely it'll turn into another Ablative armor, totally ignored in damage allocation, no matter what...

#52 2:38pm 14/04/04

That's a topic for a different discussion.

The problem I see is that by saying "You can always Research a counter ROFL" we might as well just allow any old godmoded R&D, because they can just godmode a counter R&D.

Hell, why even R&D? Just go out and get godmoding, trooper!

#51 5:35am 14/04/04

I have a problem with the "Technological Stasis" arguement.

#50 5:26am 14/04/04

[quote]Well if you can make a weapon that this doesnt block, then obviously it wouldnt block it[/quote]

I have a problem with the "arms race R&D" arguement.

#49 11:30pm 13/04/04

dum dee dum...

#48 4:38am 05/04/04

[quote]Well if you can make a weapon that this doesnt block, then obviously it wouldnt block it, lol. For instance, my own Quantum Inducer could bypass this shield without problem. [/quote]

Not too powerful at all, your all just looking at it from turn one. At first glance its the most powerful form of shielding technology yet devised, but on second glance its an ineffective battle shielding. [b]You have to drop shields to fire weapons[/b]. I dont see what part of this [b]HUGE[/b] downside you dont understand...

[b]Turn 1[/b]:

Recieve damage from multiple missle/torp hits as well as combined energy weapons hits. Field arrays reduce damage considerably, reducing hull damage to minor breaches.

[b]Turn 2[/b]:

Return fire, Array lowered, missle/energy weapons fire returned...

[b]Turn 3[/b]:

Damage encurred, shields remain lowered until next turn. Missle damage/energy weapons rack the hull for considerable damage.

[b]Turn 4[/b]:

Multiple arrays destroyed, partial shielding restored. retreating from battle.

This is an example. This, supershield, you refer to does not exist. It be like having your Gen Cors flicker on and off over and over again, and calling them the ultimate shield....

#47 12:22am 05/04/04

I don't see how I'd approve this thing the way it is. It's too powerful. And you said it blocks all types of weapons or anything that causes harm. But then you tell Kas that if you can make something that can damage it then you would be able to damage it. Well that doesn't make sense since you clearly say "all damage and anything that would cause harm".

Then when someone else comes to make some equally powerful weapon to counteract your power shields you can still say "sorry my shield will block against anything that causes damage. The Staff approved it that way." This thing's just way to powerful. And the fact that when you want to fire the shields have to be powered down doesn't make it anymore feasible to me it just makes it less realistic.

#46 9:47pm 23/03/04

that means I take some damage, even with them up, then fire my weapons, then take more fire any other regular ship with shields would. Dropping shields to fire is a [b]Major[/b] disadvantage, even larger than the 65% advantage.

EDIT: BTW, to your broadening it comment, if you read it, it is VERY large right nw with lapping fields of different measure and strenggths to ascertain said effect.

#45 9:30pm 23/03/04

[quote]Prevents 65% of damage from [b]all weapon types[/b][/quote]

Too broad for me.

#44 9:24pm 23/03/04

Well if you can make a weapon that this doesnt block, then obviously it wouldnt block it, lol. For instance, my own Quantum Inducer could bypass this shield without problem.

See it this way though, it might be 65% ALL weapons one turn, but then its 0% when the ships trying to fire anything, for a whole turn...

#43 8:14pm 23/03/04

If you want the resistance to be that high you'll have to modify. It's too broad right now, "65% resistance to [b]all[/b] weapon types". I could see a 60% resistance to energy weapons or physical weapons, if there was near zero resistance to the other weapon type.

#42 10:18am 23/03/04

I think 60% is fair, considering every turn I want to fire my weapons I have to drop my defenses, leaving it pretty much 0%...
