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Galactic Citizen

R&D Forum Idea: R&D Queue

Since we are so against new R&D Mods, I post this suggestion of making the R&D forum a faster, more efficent and overall more effective place.

What this involves:

-Tacking up a R&D Queue post

Each new R&D to be approved is first posted, then the person posting it posts with a link in the R&D Queue forum, one R&D link per post.

-R&D's will be considered in order

Each R&D will be considered by the mods in the order of their posting in the queue thread, giving the R&D the attention it deserves until it gets the approval needed. Then the R&D queue link is deleted and the R&D added to the approved list.

Just an idea, to be worked on or scrapped


#14 11:56pm 15/05/03

Keep it in mind.
We'll see what happens.

#13 4:14pm 15/05/03

Well, we've got additional mods now. The idea has merit, but it's not needed yet.

#12 4:23am 07/05/03

Well, i know my K'nass has been waiting for a month, with only one approval...

#11 3:37am 07/05/03

Those are rare cases. If anything like that is going to happen to your R&D's (this is addressed to everyone) email or AIM me and I'll look it over, and help get it passed.

#10 3:34am 07/05/03

I beg to differ, Kas. Both the Twilight and SATAP were past their R&D time deadlines by the time they were approved.

My suggestion: if it's not approved by the time R&D time ends, then it's approved by default.

EDIT: Approved by default, with any changes the R&D mods had ordered up to that point... and the user has to have paid attention to it, too...


#9 3:21am 07/05/03

Once we have another mod it'll go faster, I'm sure. And, if you get passed by it's no loss really. You're not loosing any R&D time. Just bump the topic up.

#8 2:42am 07/05/03

lol, oddly how you applied for it after saying that. Anways, its a better system than striking R&D's at random, I mean some R&D's just seem to get passed by while newer ones get attentions. Just a thought as a way to make sure each R&D gets its attention, in order, and speed up the process. With more active Mods it could only go faster...

#7 9:04pm 06/05/03

It's a sound idea but, how practical would it be in application?

Honestly, I think the best idea would be just to take on a new mod or two. Someone who has already demonstrated prior knowledge of Star Wars technologies both Cannon, EU and beyond. I think it would also be wise to choose someone who has enough free time to actually meet their responsibilities, not that our mods now aren't... I just think they need more funding.

You're looking for a Star Wars geek with no life...

#6 8:01pm 05/05/03

I know, lol, But sometimes it looks like they have less than 1 min of posting time, lol. So when something needs to be done, and its not, then someone else could step in and get it done, lol

#5 5:51pm 05/05/03

Could. R&D mod's have moderator powers in this forum too you know.

#4 5:29pm 05/05/03

I mean if their are R&D's that are approved by two mods, assuming this R&D Queue idea goes through, a board admin could delete the Queue post about the R&D and move it to the approved list.

#3 4:28pm 05/05/03

I read all the R&D's when I'm on, I just don't like to infringe upon the duties given these fine people.

#2 8:12am 05/05/03

well, If the normal Mods and Admins droped by from time to time, or the second approving R&D mod, could always edit themselves

#1 8:07am 05/05/03

I have already been thinking about a similar idea, only problem is we don't have the time to update, all of us have large group and time commitments. If someone was willing to help out in that area, sure.