R&D submission...
Note: This is an old R&D, approved back during the days of The New Alliance, that I wish to bring back for the sake of one ship for my character. As both the creating group(TNA) and the group said group is merged with(TNR) are now defunct, I think the design should be open, to the only remaining active TNA character(save for Vonta's recent return.)Model:: Xylx-class Battlecruiser
Manufacturer: New Alliance R&D
Designation: Destroyer
Designer: JediGhost
Length: 1,300 meters
Crew: 5,678
Troops: 500 phase 3 Dark Troopers
Cargo Capacity: 13,000 metric tons
Consumables: 5 years
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Hyperdrive Backup: x7
Speed: 20 MGLT
Hull: Hull: 4,710 RU
Shields: 4,563 SBD
Weapons: 40 Double heavy turbolasers
20 Heavy Ion cannons
10 Assault concussion missle tubes
10 Proton torpedo launchers
Other: 1 Stygium crystal cloaking device
2 Gravity well generators
Onboard Craft: 2 squadrons of fighters
6 skipray blastboats
(Three squadrons if skipray's removed)
Ground Assault: 96 Titan-class assault walkers
(or equivilant)
#28 8:50am 01/06/03
<font color=red size=6>APPROVED</font>
#27 6:31am 01/06/03
Either up the meters or get rid of some grav wells or the cloak, the ships too power intensive, lol
#26 3:49am 01/06/03
I've editted the specs as requested. Please review them at your convenience, though I'd appreciate quick responses. Thanks.
#25 10:09pm 17/05/03
Reduce sublight speed to 20.
#24 5:45am 17/05/03
That should be seperated, otherwise it leads to confusion (as if evident here), methinks.
#23 4:46am 17/05/03
The walker complement should not be an important number as the space used for them comes from the overall cargo space, same as with fighters and other craft aboard the ship. I think it might have been originally designed with the final "Cargo Capacity" that of the ship after holding those, though I don't think that matters, I'll ask Logan to be sure about it though.
#22 6:23am 16/05/03
Did I just say that? RUs are generally lower than SBDs... Bah, now I'll have to go look...
#21 2:23am 16/05/03
The rating generally is because one RU is less powerful than one SBD.
#20 1:53am 16/05/03
Generally speaking, RU levels are higher than SBD levels, Chadd.
#19 1:48am 16/05/03
<li>Shields: 4,563 SBD
<li>Hull: 4,710 RU
~Hull generally has a higher rating than shields because RUs are less valuable than SBDs.
<li>Ground Assault Craft: 90 of those walkers
Then it will be approved.
#18 9:30pm 15/05/03
Drop cargo.
Slash Sheild/Hull ratings slightly.
#17 8:49am 15/05/03
Drop the cargo a bit but not the weapons and troops.
A star destroyer is only about three hundred meters larger and it carries almost twice to three times that much.
The weapons are about that of a Defender Star Destroyer, which is three hundred meters smaller.
#16 8:20am 15/05/03
Either increase size or loose a large number of those weapons, troops, cargo, etc etc...
#15 6:36am 15/05/03
Could somebody give me a reference to something else that tops out at 15 MGLT? Speed, hull, and shield rates aren't my strongest point, as my system of construction (D20 SW RPG) uses different methods of measurement. By my calculations the weapons are in the lower range(approximately half of the max possible emplacements) of a ship it's size's capability, but as long as it's okay I'm happy for now.
As for vehicles, those are the ships original complement, and those are 10 meters tall and half that in length and width. Can I get a comparable ship on the hull strength as well please, like I said I'm still working on my conversion capablility.
#14 4:44am 15/05/03
Seti looks right on all counts there.