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Galactic Citizen

TJE R&D 3 Dwight-Class Raider Gunship

General Specifications

<hr>Name and Data Details<hr>

<li>Name and Designation
Dwight-Class Raider Gunship

<li>Battle Designation
Ion Cannon Assault and Seizure Ship

Jutraalian Naval Research and Development (JNRD)

To disable and board ships as quickly as possible

<li>Company Commissioned for Manufacture
Helix Phalanx Military Productions

<li>Overseer of Production
Supreme Prefect Ments'awl'aeroudae

<hr>Battle Specifications<hr>

-Weapon Emplacements
<li>Heavy Turbolasers
<li>Turbolasers 0
<li>Quad Laser Cannons 3
<li>Quad Ion Cannons 25
<li>Ion Cannons 12
<li>Mag Pulse Missile Launchers 6

-Scanner Units
<li>Jutraalian Long Range CommScan Unit
<li>Jutraalian In-System CommScan Unit

-Comm Units
<li>Standard HoloNet Transceiver
<li>Jutraalian In-System Communications Transceiver

-Troop Capacity
<li>Four Squads

forty two gazillion nine hundred bubillion nine million infinity

<hr>Supplementary Statistics<hr>

9 months


<li>Length 200

500 SBD

400 RU


This craft is exactly what the name suggests, a Raider Gunship. Designed to be heavily armed with primarily ion cannons and other anti-systemary weapons, such as the MagPule (Magnetic Pulse) missile, the Dwight-Class Raider Gunship is to fly in, unleashed a massive volley of ion cannon fire, dock on the ship, and unload its troops.

Weapons riddle across the craft like a labyrinth of destructive power. Their weapons are not damaging, except for the quad laser cannons it holds to counter fighters coming in for strafing runs, though will cause enemy craft to subside and succumb to energy loss extremely quickly.

Named after the first and only commandant of the Jutraalian Marine Corps, General Teren Dwight, the craft is to hold several divisions of marines as boarding parties, who are well-trained in close quarters fighting.

Onboard the craft is an arsenal of infantry weaponary, in the instance that they find they are not bearing enough weapons to seize the ship they have just disabled.

However Dwight-Class Gunships are not expected to fight one on one. Rather they team up on and swarm the enemy warship, all the while the big ships attempt to distract its fire. It is very lightly shielded, though can move relatively quickly for a warship.

To clear the way for its attack however, the Dwights carry several MagPulse missile launchers to ensure that they are not hit on the way in.

As a whole the craft are expected to see frontline duty almost immediately after research and development.


#28 11:00pm 07/06/03


Had to say that.

#27 10:46pm 07/06/03

How about this:

I'll just relent, say, "Oh sure, you people can god mode," back out, and just watch said corruption go uncontested

#26 2:53am 07/06/03

Good points, actually. But both the Shroud and Twilight were designed to be invisible on CGTs, as well. :-P

But I'm also sure the CGT is still a lot rarer than a cloak; the Empire had three, compared to quite a few cloaking devices...

#25 10:17pm 06/06/03

Well as to the bit about Vision of the Future, they were still relying on doubleblind cloaks, and I beleive the cloaks were still rare. If HDE or TNO can go out and produce ships that are really, really, really hard to find, and mass produce them, can't TJE mass produce a ship that has something that used to be really hard to find?

#24 7:06am 05/06/03

The situation between HDE and TJE is largely the same as the one between the Republic and the Empire during Thrawn's time. That means major battles, minor battles, and in betweens, invasions, attacks, counter attacks, and the like.

A Skirmish is what happened with Admiral Daala at Yavin 4 or the Republic attack on Heslka in Vector Prime.

As to cloaks;

The Empire during Thrawn's time had a minimum of four cloaked warships; the Chimaera and two or more Carrack Cruisers, and an freighter used to smuggle ships into Sluis Van.

By Vision of the Future, there were at least three more ISDs carrying cloaks (they were deployed to Bothawiu).

#23 4:28am 05/06/03

Cloaking is expensive in all means and should never be mass produced.

#22 1:22am 05/06/03

Ehem Isstal WTF are you talking about?

This little skirmish with HDE is just that, a little skirmish. We're not "tapped from all sides", it's not some "oh big supery dupery" war.

#21 12:08am 05/06/03

The only reason I know of for the CGT's being so rare was the price of the things...they were about as expensive as 2 ISD's (if I remember correctly) which is why they weren't used much...there wasn't really all that much need to use them...they were really expensive and there weren't all that many cloaked ship going about (that they knew of) so they merely didn't find them cost effective enough to mass produce them...there is no other reasons I can find that would explain why they were so rare...

#20 11:25pm 04/06/03

But then, if you switch roles slightly... the Empire spanned thousands of worlds, and they had but a few cloaks. You on the other hand...

#19 10:41pm 04/06/03

[quote]Look at the timeline however. The Republic was tapped by invasions and wars with the Empire. It makes sense that they had to work so hard to get one.

Is it fair to apply the same limits to Chadd? I don't know. But the situation is completely different and I don't think it can be compared. [/quote]

Not entirely true, Kal. TJE is currently trapped by invasions and war with the Holy Demosthesian Empire. Plus, the Republic spanned thousands of worlds, TJE spans... 11.

Big difference there.

#18 7:56pm 04/06/03

1) We're talking military personnel. You're right, we can't buy them at Wal Mart, but, it is accessible to one with the right funds and the right facilities.

2) Actually I know a site that teaches you how to make mini hydro/atom bombs.

#17 4:52pm 04/06/03

Sure you can...have you tried looking in the 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' isle yet? That's where I get all mine

#16 4:29pm 04/06/03

Sixty years ago atom bombs were rare.

How come I can't just go buy one at Wal-Mart today?

#15 3:47pm 04/06/03

I don't find their arguements stupid Kal.

I find the "Nope, nuh uh you can't have it because the Republic had a hard time getting it" stupid.

And three decades is more than enough time for something "that heavy" to be "mass produced".

Thirty years ago sonar and radar were really just coming into play. (Yes, I know it was sixty years ago they came out, STFU).

But thirty years ago they were not exactly [i]easy[/i] to use or get your hands on.

Now they are, quite frankly, extremely common and easy to use.

Hell look at AK-47s. Thirty years ago Osama would've traded his right testicle for one, now he feels ashamed if one of his troops don't have it.

#14 2:22pm 04/06/03

It's not stupid, their arguement has merit.

Look at the timeline however. The Republic was tapped by invasions and wars with the Empire. It makes sense that they had to work so hard to get one.

Is it fair to apply the same limits to Chadd? I don't know. But the situation is completely different and I don't think it can be compared.
