TRS R&D 6+7 The Black Hole Gun+Generator
<img src=>R&D 6
The Black Hole Gun
Designer: Retakkenari bioengineering
Ship Designation: Graviton Singularity Generator Platform
Length: 1500 m
Crew: 100
Shields: N/A
Hull: 1290 RU. Reinforced Quadranium Steel Hull plating.
Sublight: 30 MGLT
Manouvering Speed: 25 MGLT
Hyperdrive: 2x
Weapons systems:
One Graviton Beam Generator
Ship Background:
The Black hole Gunship was designed for one thing and one thing only . . .to be a mobile mount for the Graviton Singularity generator rather than a combat vessel. It has no weapons of any kind and relies simply on its reinforced hull plating to take the brunt of any blows to its infrastructure. However, the ship’s creators did not intend for it to be in any form of open combat, instead to be deployed prior to battle or in ambush and/or interdiction duty. The latter being its most formal role. It would be dropped in any given system from it’s mothership, and deploy the singularity, causing passing ships to drop out of hyperspace, or if they were to pass completely through the singularity, shear off a section, or the the entire hull of the passing vessel.
After the gun has fired and detonated it’s projectile, initiating the black hole effect, a series of amplifications crystal’s inside the head of the barrel create a beam of concentrated graviton particle’s toward the black hole singularity.
R&D 7: The Black Interdictor Effect.
The Black Interdictor Effect is created by firing either a charged or uncharged, graviton beam toward an artificially created Black Hole Singularity.
This is achieved as follows.
The fired projectile containing the unstable neutrons is launched and the magnetic constrictors are released, causing the unstable matter to collapse in on itself, creating a small black hole of no more than 30 kilometres across. The gun then fires either A) a (positively/negatively) charged Graviton Beam, or an Uncharged one, toward the co-ordinates of the black hole. The graviton beam initiates a reaction which increases the size of the black hole to a maximum size of 300 kilometres. According to standard physics relating to black holes, the actual harmful part (the horizon) is directly proportional to the total size of the black hole. Meaning a 30 km black hole, would have a horizon radius of 3 kilometres. You can only be harmed or get sucked in by a black hole if you cross the the even horizon.However again, due to the unpredictability and unstable nature of this artificially created blackhole, the harmful event horizon remains at 3km in its radius, although the gravitational effect reaches 300km, smaller than most planetary sized gravity wells, but enough to pull passing ships from hyperspace.
<a href="" target="_new">Graviton Beam Assembly</a>
Firing a charged Graviton Beam into the black hole will produce a different effect altogether. Charging a black hole make’s it, in essence, rotate. A charged and rotating black hole can, join up with a corresponding white hole, wherever that may be in a galaxy and form a wormhole. However, this weapon’s charge is so minute that it will only remain open for a short time, mere seconds if not a minute, enough for a passing vessel to become sucked in however. A negatively charged Graviton beam will produce a similar if less stable effect, causing a wormhole to be momentarily formed only to explode out, spilling a dangerous shockwave of matter, gamma radiation and unstable energy. This effect is known as a white hole, the opposite of a black hole.
Thusly there are three desired settings for the weapon.
1:Normal Graviton Beam- Normal 300 km black hole.
2:Charged Graviton Beam- Unstable Wormhole is created.
3:Negatively Charged Graviton Beam- White hole is created.
The black hole’s primary purpose is to serve as an interdictor, an it does in many ways, primarily by creating a large field of gravity, causing Ships to be pulled from Hyperspace. However, the if travelling at hyperspace through either a wormhole or a white hole, would not only cause the ship to drop from hyperspace, but be shredded and/or destroyed outright.
Ships already out of hyperspace, encountering these holes can only be detected by the immense field of gravity, which cannot be accurately measured like a planet’s gravity. So the passing ship would have no way to pin point the location of the event horizon.
The black holed formed in the above effects only lasts for roughly one hour before it “evaporates”. Due to the unstable and synthetic nature of its creation, it dissipates far more quickly than an average black hole, which is created far more slowly, and is much larger.
The ship emits high quantities of harmful radiation as per the norm, and every crew member wears appropriate protection. However, if fired upon or destroyed, the resulting overspill and explosion from the radiation would equal an explosion similar to that of the White Hole Implosion effect.
<img src=>
Main OOC points.
~Weapon fires projectile in one post.
~Charges Graviton Beam
~Fires Graviton Beam
~Has to maintain beam in order to keep the singularity open
~One cooling off post necessary if firing a second projectile
~Carries a Maximum of 100 Missiles
~Graviton Beam cannot affect ship’s hulls or shields directly
~White Hole Implosion effect has a 10km blast radius
~Two Vessels allowed per 15,000 meter alotment
~25 Day Build Time
~Cannot Function in Orbit of a planet
~Can Function within a star system, unless the system has intense gravitational distortions.
Anything more I’ll gladly attempt to explain or technobabble my way out of.
Bibliography of factual and Theoretical Sources.
<a href="" target="_new">Black, white and worm hole theory and FAQ</a>
<a href="" target="_new">More Black Hole and Dark Matter FAQ</a>
#22 1:27am 18/07/03
I sing praise to the high heavans me ladoes.
*bumps up another two R&Ds*
#21 1:08am 18/07/03
#20 12:16am 18/07/03
Numba One!
#19 10:36pm 12/07/03
Yuppers. Though, I assume that by a class 2.0 hyperdrive you mean that your hyperdrive speed is 2x?
Bigger crew with the bigger size, by at least a few?
And I have no problem with you upping the hull strength, considering the size increase.
One thing though, I can see the 'proximity' being an issue, when used in combat, to a celestial body. I think that part needs somehow to be a tad more defined. IE, the size of a planet, it's gravity shadow, spacial anomalies... etc.
#18 9:54pm 12/07/03
I'll list as many of the requirements that me and shree agreed on, that I can remember.
~1500 Meters long
~Class 2.0 Hyperdrive
~30 Day Build Time
~5 Exist at any one time.
~Cannot function near planets, or in orbit. The effect is rendered useless in close proximity to a world.
~One post to fire.
~Two posts to recharge, and third to fire a missle again if necessary.
~The beam must be maintained constantly to keep a singularity established.
~ Has crappy aiming and manouvering ability.
That's all I can remember so I'll edit them in if Shreef can't remember any more.
I would also like to be allowed to up the Hull strength, since the length has been increased.
What say you tech folkles?
#17 8:19pm 12/07/03
I would agree with the reductions as stated by Ren, two posts up, with said restrictions to be composed, as stated by Shree just above me.
#16 11:41pm 11/07/03
Would still need a reduced number of these ships to be able to be built. As well as keeping almost all of the above restrictions, if you could hop on messanger tonight, please IM me....
#15 11:52am 11/07/03
Initially I wanted the weapon to reflect the Swarm's reckless disregard for life, in creating such a hazardous weapon.
I would still want to create a black hole, if possible.
How about if I;
Drop the Radius of the Event horizon to no more than 200 meters, or 150?
Drop the two worm and white hole effects, thusly just having a simple black hole?
With all these reductions, would I still be able to make it the same size, or at least a little smaller than what you suggested.
Quantum Pyshics makes my head hurt.
#14 6:19am 11/07/03
lol, i've never seen so much work go into any R&D other than Gues.
Kudos Ren!
#13 3:12am 11/07/03
how about you change from "Black hole maker" to "Hyperspace disturbance creator"?
#12 3:03am 11/07/03
If you just want it to replace the interdictor, increase the grav-effect, and drop the horizion for suck-in-ability, and you should be fine. A little notation about how it can't be used on planets would be nice too.
#11 2:36am 11/07/03
Just one? Heh, these were intended to replace the interdictor. Doesnt look like that's gonna happen.
Anyway, go on.
#10 12:32am 11/07/03
lol, it has the potential to be alot more powerful and tide turning than an eclipse....
Hows 2k sound?
30 day build time
One exist at a time
and a few other addittional rules?
#9 12:21am 11/07/03
Just as much as an Eclipse can. Although it's against the rules to destroy planets, but I see where you're coming from.
How bout, we up the size, not to 8km or anything, but still put some large limits on it.
Build time, having only one exist at a time, something similar to those.
#8 11:57pm 10/07/03
Either way its still a potential superweapon, able to decimate any ship in seconds, or destroy worlds....