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Galactic Citizen

Yevethan Shield Technology (General R&D...Sorta)

Well although nobody actually uses Yevethan Shield Tech I just thought I would make a general R&D thingamy about it to see if it's actually allowed to be used at all...basically the Yevethans have some advanced methods (I'm not trying to be technical here) or something that enchances shield output by roughly featured in the Black Fleet Crisis series of books...(I'm saying 50% 'cause I'm comparing the Yevethan Thrustships to similair vessels of their size and the increase in shield rating is roughly 50%)...I dunno if anyone will ever actually use this technology but hey...I just thought I would comment that it's out there...oh and I think they also increased the weapons output slightly but I dunno about that really...

EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot to say...the shield tech can actually be equiped onto any ship (I'm assuming that anyway as it was equiped onto ISD's, an XSSD, and Corellian Corvettes) to increase their shield rating...


#11 6:06am 06/09/03

Indeed it does...just as long as it does get approved that is...

#10 6:05am 06/09/03

And now they are surpressed again, it stands to reason TNO retains control of their tech...

#9 6:02am 06/09/03

I don't see why TNO wouldn't have the tech if they owned the Yevethans planet...I mean the Imperials that ruled over the Yevethans had it even though the Yevethans hated them...until the Yevethans revolted that is...but oh well...

EDIT: Typo

#8 5:35am 06/09/03

Oh yes, and not having access to the sheilding will break my @#%$ heart...


#7 5:32am 06/09/03

Perhaps, if you want to use Yevethan Shields you need to be the Yeventahn group. Oh wait, they don't exist.

#6 4:03am 06/09/03

Hapes and The Duskhan League were steadfast military allies for the duration of its time at TRF, and in its subsequint guises.

I reckon we'd have access to it. Which means Hapes now has:

Faster firing turbolasers, and now at full power too
50% better sheilds.

Namely, we rule!

#5 2:34am 06/09/03

TNO owns it. And I don't know if the mods will actually look at it now, they are more looking for ships that people have built in massive amounts.

#4 2:30am 06/09/03

I would agree with adding some sort of extra build would take some time to instal the better technology anyway...besides...the only people that will have it are the people that own N'zoth anyway (I'm pretty sure someone is already in control of that particular planet as is...)...any mods want to comment?

#3 10:42pm 05/09/03

I don't count, but I think that this shouldn't be allowed, or if they have it, they have to up the build time or something, to account for the fact that the ship wil ahve 50% better shields. And that there should be some rule about it not being allowed on R&Ds(since thye generally have a pretty good shield rating in comparison to their size/weapons complement)

#2 9:10pm 05/09/03

I would have to agree...I don't like them much...but they are cannon material so I thought this should be mentioned...

#1 9:06pm 05/09/03

The black fleet crisis books are just that, a crisis.