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Galactic Citizen

General R&D (3 Starfighters from Galactic Battlegrounds)

Well this is just 3 starfighters from the computer game "Galactic Battlegrounds" that don't have official least none that I know of anyway...the pics aren't from the game but are modelled on the real ships just they look better so I thought I would put them in instead...anyway here they are...

Advanced Y-Wing

Length: 7.8 Meters
Width: 12.6 Meters (Roughly)
Height: 5.7 Meters
Crew: 1 Person
Weaponary: 2 Laser Cannons, 8 Proton Torpedo OR Concussion Missile Launchers (6 Torpedos OR 10 Missiles Each), 2 Thermal Detonator Drop Chutes (64 Thermal Detonators Each)
Hull: 38 RU
Shields: None
Maneuverability: 86 DPF
Speed: 80 MGLT
Atmospheric Speed: 850 kmh
Hyperdrive Rating: None


#2 7:40pm 16/09/03

They look good, and as Shree said, build them by their longest points.


#1 5:21pm 16/09/03

the Y-wing has a few improvements that are mostly minor and I could accept as advances

<span style="font-family:comic sans ms; color:white;font-size:xx-large;">APPROVED</span>

As for the TIE's, as long was you build them on width instead of length they look good to me too...

<span style="font-family:georgia; color:white;font-size:xx-large;">APPROVED</span>