HC R&Ds- Griffen and Dragon Droid Fighters
Name:Griffen X22 Driod Fighter
Olanji Charubah Royal Shipworks
Combat Designation:
Droid Space Superiority Fighter
2 Metres
1 Metre
2 Metres
20,000 Crowns (not available in standard credits)
210 MGLT
Maneuverability Rating:
150 DPF
40 SBD
30 RU
Missile Countermeasures:
3 Fletchette launchers *
ECM Countermeasures:
1 Rapid Fire Laser Cannon
1 Triple Blaster Ion Cannon
Designed at a time when droid starfighters were becoming increasingly popular, the Griffen X22 driod fighter carries the best aspects of Hapes Starfighter Corps on in an unmanned format. Extremely fast and agile, the X22 is designed to act as a small interceptor, swarming the enemy on a preferred ratio of at least 3 to 1.
Incorporating the same model laser cannon as is found in the successful starfury droid fighter, the Griffen also brings with it the triple blaster ion cannon that was so popular amongst the frontline Storm fighter.
Droid control centres can be mounted easily on any Hapan ship and cruisers can carry up to 3 times their standard fighter compliment when equiped with the X22. Ground control centres for system defence are incorporated into all Navy and Army Starfighter bases pending the completion of the Defence White Paper directive 24.
Control of the fighter can either be entirely droid controlled (when mounted from non-X22 specific launch craft) or controlled by non-airborne or injured pilots aboard specially designed launch ships or ground defence installations. Also, the Matriarch Class Battlecruiser and Arc Sheild Ship mounts sufficient space to hold a X22 control bay. All control stations maintain remote detonation codes for ships as they get disabled. The detonator is a seperate signal so that Ion Cannon damage does not effect the detonator. It is possible, of course, for the transmitter to be hit by an ion blast, thereby disabling it, but the chance is so remote that it has been discounted by the Royal Navy as a impractical worry. Also incorporated into the craft is a number of tiny fletchette launchers, allowing the ultra fast craft to easily engage and destroy any enemy missiles enroute to the fleet.
Dragon B23 Driod Fighter
Olanji Charubah Royal Shipworks
Combat Designation:
Droid Swarm Strike Fighter
3 Metres
1.5 Metre
2.5 Metres
40,000 Crowns (not available in standard credits)
200 MGLT
Maneuverability Rating:
140 DPF
35 SBD
30 RU
Missile Countermeasures:
3 Fletchette launchers *
ECM Countermeasures:
1 Rapid Fire Laser Cannon
1 Projectile Launcher
The Dragon B23 Swarm Strike Fighter was designed for use in conjunction with the Griffen X22 Driod Interceptor at the request of the Queen Mother herself. While slightly slower and less maneuvrable than its partner, the B23 sacrifices its speed and triple ion cannon for a missile launcher, adding exponentially to its tactical worth. Designed to use its speed to avoid slow and unweildy turbolaser blasts from its foes, the Dragon also is quick enough to engage successfully in a dogfight with any current line of fighters.
Tactically the Griffen and Dragon fighters, while designed specifically with the goal of working together, fit perfectly into the Royal Navy Starfigher Corps. Previously, the smallest role specific strike fighter used by the Navy was the Hetrinar Fighter Bomber and more recently the Sienar designed Avenger fighter bomber at 15 and 19m respectively. Adding to that the Escort and Intercept wings of Storm and Miy'Til at 7m each, as well as the smaller droid fighters, allows the Royal Navy to strike at any enemy, irregardless of size and support.
*See Matriarch Battle Cruiser R&D for weapon information.
(Bear in mind, this is 2 seperate R&Ds, and a droid specific Carrier Sphere will be R&D'd once this is done, the rules and all. Also, the Dragon has the same limitations as the Griffen as posted in the Griffens bottom 2 paras.)
#9 4:10pm 24/09/03
You could do that...
But your shields are still twice as powerful as the Starfury's.
#8 8:09am 24/09/03
Because the relatively low power of the weaponary (Using Pre-Fondor faster firing weapons) means that there is an energy abundance that can be transfered into the minimalist sheilds.
I could just have the sheilds generated from the stations or mounts like yours.
#7 5:21am 24/09/03
and which this would that be?
#6 4:50am 24/09/03
I'm to sick and lazy to type up my own opinion, so here's a ...
What he said.
#5 4:43am 24/09/03
Dude... the Starfury had shields because they were generated by the SATAP. The TIE Devils had no shields.
How can this have shields, be faster, and have more guns, and a stronger hull, whilst carrying the same weapons loads (roughly)?
#4 8:48pm 23/09/03
#3 10:18am 23/09/03
Done and Done, even though i thought it reasonable.
#2 8:43pm 22/09/03
#1 5:10pm 22/09/03
Lower the dragons sheild rating by 10