The Rebel Faction

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Galactic Citizen

Submission rules?

-SUBMITTERS, please keep the amount of pending R&D’s for your under three. That means, no more than two R&D’s pending per group.


2)Defense grid
3)Epsilon station
4)Huruz cluster missle
5)Correlia SD
6)Galack missle

Just so I know have we changed the 'amount of pending R&D's' rule recently?

Becuase it would help to know if this was indeed so.


#3 7:47pm 12/12/03

Ah, but it was a rule that was enforced often and accorded with some importance not so long ago.

So it begs questioning as to why it is not important these days.

Hence why I was curious.

#2 7:36pm 12/12/03

Yes, its a rather silly rule, and most of you guys are grown up enough (the mods that is) to cope, methinks.

#1 7:32pm 12/12/03

Hasn't changed, just hasn't been enforced.
