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Galactic Citizen

TOO R&D: Magnetic and holographic droid units

Part two of Operation reflection

1- dedicated holographic droid.

Name: Holo-shroud droid
Length: 5 Meter
Hyperdrive: None
Sublight: 92 MGLT
Maneuverability Rating: 90 DPF
Shields: 30 SBD
Hull: 10 RU
Crew/Pilots: limited Positronic droid core with networking capabilities
Weapons: none
Systems: Vanish three sensor mask

Vanish three sensor mask Opperating limits:* * * *

Holographic projection radius: 25 meters (around the droid unit)
Stores up to three different ship holo-images at a time

Dedicated Electromagnetic transmission mask stores 1 false ship mask at a time.
-projection Radius that it can be most effective= 8 m-
-less effective but can extend to 16 m-

System networking broadcast limit: 50 meters

This is one tier of Operation reflection’s three tier system of creating the illusion of a real ship. The Holo-shroud Droids use the Vanish three sensor mask but have less powerful Vanish 3 Electromagnetic Disguise Systems installed but also has more powerful holographic generators installed. This droid is dedicated to making the holographic appearance of a capitol ship. They can create a nearly flawless outward appearance of a ship by linking their systems into a network. Allowing them to think as one droid hive mind that overlaps their holograms so that there are no gaps. If one droid is destroyed then another can take it’s place, generating what was lost with losing one droid.

They have the ability to give off false sensor data but it is mainly to cloak them selves when they are moving alone. They can make a false sensor ghost but they are far more limited in that ability then the Sensor-Shroud droid. It takes several more of the Holo-Shroud Droids to create a successful illusion then it would when working in tangent with the Sensor-Shroud droid

The vanish three system is so advanced with the advent of positronic technology to expand processing capabilities the can adjust to creat a fuller illusion of a real ship. For instance they can create the holographic illusion of weapons fire within their 25 meter radius as well as make the illusion of damage done by attacking ships that fire on an illusionary craft.

The two droids can also be used to hide real ships by Using the sensor mask on the outer hull of a given ship allowing them to use the Vanish 3 sensor mask to hide the ship from view using the vanish three’s capability to imitate the emmissions of the surrounding space with precision. Effectively cloaking them in an external cloaking device.

It takes the projection limits of the electromagnetic sensor mask and that of the Holo-projection units of the Vanish 3 sensor mask determine how many droids it would take to cast a given image. The holographic units project an image over a radius of 25 meters. For these droids to imitate the image of a 250 meter ship such as the nubulan b-2 frigate you would require at least ten of the droids. More if they wanted to have enough to back up one another when a droid is lost to weapons fire.

They can also project the Electromagnetic Disguise System but in a limited fashion. The droids can project the EDS in a radius of 8 meters effecitively. So to project a false image of a Nubula B-2 frigate you would require 32 of the droids. One for each meter of the ship that it wishes to project.

R&D time: 20 days

Starting: 12/12/03
End: 1/01/04

2- dedicated sensor mask droid.

Name: Sensor-shroud droid
Length: 10 Meters
Hyperdrive: None
Sublight: 80 MGLT
Maneuverability Rating: 68 DPF
Shields: 40 SBD
Hull: 30 RU
Crew/Pilots:limited Positronic droid core with networking capabilities
Weapons: none
Systems: Vanish three sensor mask

Vanish three system operating limits:

Holographic projection limit- 5 meters (around the droid unit)
-Stores one ship mask at a time
Dedicated Electromagnetic transmission mask stores 3 false ship masks at a time.
-projection Radius that it can be most effective= 35 m-
-less effective but can extend to 50 m-

System networking broadcast limit: 50 meters

This droid ship uses the Vanish three sensor mask to either hide a ship or too reflect false sensor data. This ship has some holographic counter measures as the Holo-shroud droid but they are mainly to hide themselves from view. The Droid itself is dedicated to giving off false sensor data within a radius of 35 meters around the droid. This droid works in tangent with other droids or ships equipped with the Vanish three sensor mask in order to create a convincing illusion of a real ship.

This is the second tier of Operation reflection. While the Holo-shroud droid is able to duplicate the outer appearance of a ship with precision the Sensor-shroud Droid makes certain that there is a precise false sensor reading that is sent back to a given ships sensors. The two working together make it so that either a convincing Phantom ship can be created or the illusion of blank space is broadcast effectively working as a cloak.

Effectivness depends on the number of droids. If there are enough droids to make sure that the 35 meter broadcast limit adds up to the meterage of a ship then the sensor illusion is 100 % effective. If there are not enough droids then the illusion is dimminished by the percentage of droids that are missing.

The two droids can also be used to hide real ships by Using the sensor mask on the outer hull of a given ship allow them to use the Vanish Three Sensor Mask to hide them from view. Effectively cloaking them.

R&D time: 20 days

Starting: 12/12/03
End: 1/01/04


#9 9:18pm 19/12/03


#8 10:04pm 18/12/03


#7 2:34am 18/12/03

SBD adjusted.

#6 1:49am 18/12/03

Lose 10 SBD on both

#5 1:21am 18/12/03

Star destroyer 1600 m.

1600 m/ 25 m projection radius = 64 Holographic droids

1600 m/35 m effective broadcast radius = 46 magnetic sensor mask droids.

So yes.

The equations are laid out as such. The droids network to create a whole illusion using their combined abilities lose one less and the holographic illusion well have a hole in it if it cannot be compensated for or can only be poorly compensated for.

In the case of the sensor droids the sensor illusion well be short sighted by a percentile loss of the number of droids broadcasting.

46 Magnetic droids together would make a sensor illusion 100% effective.

Take away 6 and the illusion is only 87 percent effective.

#4 12:50am 18/12/03

so basically if you were going to try and emulate a Star Destroyer, you would need 64 holographic droids, and the same amount of the other?

#3 9:27pm 16/12/03

[quote]"Holographic projection radius: 25 meters (around the droid unit)
Stores up to three different ship holo-images at a time."[/quote]

The devices do not project an entire ship each only a portion of a given ship image.

Becuase of a 25 meter limit it would take enough of the droids to fill the total meterage of a ship that they are duplicating the outer appearance of or simulating the space around in order to cloak/mask said ship.

For example:

[u]If I wanted to cloak/mask or creat the illusion of a nubulan B-2 frigate I would need at least 10 of the droids. One droid for each 25 meters of the 250 meter ship.[/u]

[i][b]250 m/25 m radius = 10 holographic mask droids[/b][/i]

[u]The same is true of the sensor mask droid.

It has a radius of magnetic interference of 35 meters. So for a simulation or masking of a 250 m ship I would require at least eight of the sensor shroud droids.[/u]

[u][b]250 m/35 m radius = 8 sensor mask droids[/b][/u]

[quote]"They can create a nearly flawless outward appearance of a ship [b][u]by linking their systems into a network. Allowing them to think as one droid hive mind that overlaps their holograms so that there are no gaps.[/u][/b] If one droid is destroyed then another can take it’s place, generating what was lost with losing one droid."[/quote]

As metioned above the droids can network in a raduis of 50 meters of each other creating a hive mind to create a larger illusion then is possible to create with a single droid on their own.

This was the whole point of creating the [u]Vanish three sensor mask[/u].

The vanish three duplicates the sensor readings around a ship and projects it with a magnetic interference system that will make the illusion appear real to ships sensors. So it acts as a cloaking device.

Just as a [u]vanish 2 sensor mask[/u] acts as just such a cloak type of system.

This is a more sophisticated sensor mask that also integrated the operating abilities of the [u]Trickster decoy system[/u]. The [u]Trickster system[/u] successfully duplicates an entire ship that it is launched from. The trickster is a canon device as was accepted and explained in the R&D for the [u]vanish three sensor mask[/u]. So the hologram is not transparent nor is it a different color from the original.

this is the brand name of Corellian Engineering's starship decoy system. An addition to a ship's countermeasures system, these small decoys could be deployed during flight. They sent out electromagnetic and holographic signals that duplicated those of the parent ship. The Trickster decoys required Imperial certification for operation during the New Order."[/quote]

The trickster is no larger then a torpedo. But that would be unfair to R&D a device of that size with that much power.

Hence why I created devices with a limited projection radius and an ability to link their systems together for the purpose of creating a larger illusion that would not be viable for one droid alone.

Hull changed.

#2 8:18pm 16/12/03


Is this a mobile cloaking device using holotechnology?

#1 5:49pm 16/12/03


Ya know what, I made a ship exactly like this back at SWFans and called it a holoship. Worked like a moron, have you actually seen SW holo technology?

"Oh my, a rock just went through that ship..."
"Curious as to why someone would want a completely opaque ship..."
"Why can I see through that ship?"

Secondly, Make it a hell of alot bigger, no way a 5m droid is going to project a capital ship image, try more like 100m AT THE LEAST. Set Hull to 10, becuase for such a vessel your gonna seen a ship wide holo projector, not leaving room for much armor.