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Galactic Citizen

CCB R&D- Silo Class Space Station

Name: Silo Class Space Station

Directive: Munnition/Mine Storage

Length: 700 meters

Width: 575 meters

Height: 250 Meters

Shield rating:
2,735 SBD (Ray)
1,250 RU (Particle)

Backup Sheilds (Used only in extreme emergency or total power failure):
700 SBD (Ray)
250 RU (particle)

Hull: 5,075 RU

2 Dual Heavy Turbolasers
5 Light Ion Cannons
9 Laser Gattlings*
15 Tractor Beams

Docking Capacity: 3 Squadrons

Speed: 5 MGLT (manuvering thrusters only)

Hyperdive: Class 9

Crew: 5 Commissoned, 125 Technicans, 45 Defensive soldiers

Consumables: 4 Months

Cargo Space: Room for excess missles, proton bombs, etc to resupply small task force. Holds up to 50,000 unused mines.

Specials Features:
Laser Gattlings
WAMD System

Laser Gattlings- An idea without a platform for trial (and thus slammed onto the Silo, for an impromptu feild test), the laser gattling is a multiple barreled (5) laser cannon, which wraps its barrel around a tight axsis. A constant stream laser is firied from an upper portal, and the 5 barrels spin around this constant stream, chopping the chots up into dozens of smaller beams. Coollant valves expose to the vaccum of space to allow heat to radiate out, and allow the constant stream firing almost indefinatly, for a period of about 10 minutes, at which time it must shut down a minute to prevent overload. The gun is mounted in a swivel turret with 180 degree rotation from the hull of station.

WAMD System - A innovative idea, the WAMD (Wide Area Mine Dispersal) system is designed to be used in either hopless situations or when a Silo is under heavy attack. The WAMD uses a system of vents and tunnels that lead out from the station's multiple vaults (and a network of compressed air and electromagnets) to fling the entire innards (all its mines) in a random "explosion." The mines are flung off in a radius of undeterminable strenght, depending on how long and how much pressure is built up in the process. Takes on post to initate secquence, a second for it to activate.

Designed to be used in junction with Invilligo Minelayer corvettes, Silo stations hold up tp 50,000 mines in heavily reinforced vaults, as well as holding spare munitions that can be loaded into bombers or loaded into tenders and ferried to capital ships. A docking bay on the underside of the station can hold up to 3 squadrons at a time, where minor repairs can be made, and ordanace can be loaded up. Although on occasion, a starfighter squadron or two is loaded ino the hanger for defense, it is usually only a temporary meausure, to be used in a time of war in the face of an imminent attack. However its main purpose is to store extra mines to be distributed to minelayer corvettes.

Forgot R%D Time: 25 Days

Submitted: 1/16/04
Ready for Use: 2/11/04


#7 11:23pm 17/01/04


#6 10:05am 17/01/04


#5 8:38am 17/01/04

Yes...... I was trying to say that. I meant to mention that.

That is a true statement.

#4 8:27am 17/01/04


Are your backup shields on a seperate generator (allowing it to run without power) ?

#3 7:54am 17/01/04

Lowered sheild rating considerably.

It was orginally designed as a staionary platform, with the WAMD system designed as a back up, in case the system was under massive attack or the station was about to be loss. However, Kas, you spawned the idea in my head.

I have decide to add a class 9 hyperdrive (slow as heck but who cares) to this station.

I thank you for your help. :D

#2 7:33am 17/01/04

I agree with kas on shield ratings, but I assume this is a stationary hold for mines over a planet. I enjoy the fact yall put so much into mines, lol.

#1 7:18am 17/01/04

[quote] Shield rating:
4,235 SBD (Ray)
1,250 RU (Particle)[/quote]

Ray shields are pretty high.

[quote] Hyperdive: None[/quote]

How does it get from place to place? The design is a bit confusing, its minelaying capabilities seems to indicate that it would move to a prime minelaying position, and drop its cargo. The WAMD system indicates a more hostile system of minelaying, but no hyperdrive indicates an orbiting station...

[quote] Backup Sheilds (Used only in extreme emergency or total power failure):
700 SBD (Ray)
250 RU (particle)[/quote]

On a separate generator?