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Galactic Citizen


This Sphere-shaped vessle is designed to take out large groups of fighters. Its sphere design prevents fighters from attacking it on sides where there are no anti-fighter turrets. 20 anti-fighter turrets are mounted on tracks on the ship. It is, however, not very effective against non-figter ships, and has slightly weak sheilds.

Predator Anti-Fighter corvette

Combat Abbreviation:

Mission profile:
Anti-Fighter combat ship

Galactic Coalition Research and development

Retail Price:

Not for sale

Length: 100m
Width: 100m
Height: 100m

Sub light speed:

Hyper drive Motivator (main/backup):

Shield integrity: 300 SBD
Hull integrity: 250 RU

Medium, Dual, Anti-fighter laser turrets: 20

Other technologies:
Advanced targeting/tracking system.


Dual Medium Anti-fighter laser turrets:
These turrets are mounted on tracks all over the ship, causing them to be able to move to wherever on the ship that they need be. They are VERY fast moving and maneuverable. They are able to revolve a full 360 degrees in all directions. They are absolutely ideal for destroying fighters but not powerful against other things.

Advanced targeting/tracking system:
Advanced technology is used to make targeting systems that tune in on enemy targets perfectly, making it very easy for the already very maneuverable weapons to hit fast-moving fighter targets.


#6 2:50am 29/01/04

So you've R&Ded this system then?

#5 1:21am 29/01/04

There is no cloaking device on this ship, so that is merely an academic matter. And no, that system was not designed for this ship, it is merely used on this ship.

#4 11:27pm 28/01/04

That system wasn't designed for this ship, I'm pretty sure it was designed for another ship. The only way this would be applicable is if GC somehow got our hands on a double-blind cloak, or some other cloak, and applied it to this vessel(though I don't see the point since it is an anti-fighter ship).

So, no there isn't a cloak on the ship.

#3 7:15pm 28/01/04

[quote]Power Dispensation System:
This is a system common in many vessels that have a tendency to need the extra power during battle. This system, incorporating a series of entombed wires hidden inside the walls of the vessel, allows for the transfer of power more effectively from unnecessary functions to functions more valuable to the ship. In times of need, certain functions can be shut down and the power diverted through the wires incorporated in the system to functions that are more important to the cause of keeping the ship intact and functioning. The wires are high strength and can handle as much power as can feasibly be pushed through them. The encasing is made of fine crystasteel so technicians can check the wires easily but they can't be destroyed easily by enemy fire. This function causes the ship to have a better likely hood of surviving if damaged [b]or staying cloaked if power to the generator should fail.[/b][/quote]


#2 3:42pm 24/01/04

Edited, i fixed both those things

#1 7:41am 24/01/04

[quote]Power Dispensation system
Acheron system[/quote]

You should include descriptions of these techs as well.

Anti-fighter laser turrets: 20 [/quote]

Single laser cannons? Dual? Quad? Heavy, Medium or Light cannons?
