The Rebel Faction

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Galactic Citizen

R&D Rules (Read before submitting)


Heir Raktus
Fleet Commander Zell
General Grevious

The following Staff Members are also approving R&D's

Kas Katta
Kal Shora

<ul>Submission Rules

<li>R&D's need two out of three votes to pass. An R&D mod’s vote must be done in a RED font. This is otherwise known as <font color=red>HIGH VISIBILITY</font>. There should be no disputes over whether or not a mod gave his approval. </li>
<li>Once an R&D is approved, it must be placed in the R&D sticky thread, under the appropriate groups name.</li>
<li>VITAL STATS, and Descriptions must be located in the first post of the thread. People don't wish to sift through objections, and discussion to find amended stats further down. In order for your R&D to be approved, final stats must be in the first post. </li>
<li>PICTURES are allowed, but all the stats must be in text. Please keep your images under 300 pixels wide. You may use HTML to link the small picture to a larger one, off board. </li>
<li>Any Staff member has the ability to VETO an approval. This power will only be used when foul play is highly suspected, or in other extreme cases. </li>
<li>SUBMITTERS, please keep the amount of pending R&D’s for your under three. That means, no more than two R&D’s pending per group.</li></ul>

Once again, the following rules pertain to fleet roleplaying, particularly the aspects of designing new vessels. The following reading is essential for all fleet roleplayers.

<ol>Basic R&D Rules
<li>You may not build another groups ships that they designed without permission from that group, or a staff approved roleplay of stealing the plans. </li>
<li>All ship designs must be reasonable such as shielding, hull, and weapons for its size. Bear in mind that because build time is determined by length, it is expected that the ship's length be a realistic reflection of it's power. If it's 500 meters and can blow away 6 Star Destroyers, it will not be approved, no matter how technically "realistic" the design may be. </li>
<li>Every new technology (weapon, sensor, computer, alloy...etc) will demand its very own R&D submission. Each submission will be judged on its own merits as it relates to the Star Wars Universe. R&D projects which deviate from the norm by drastic levels will have an extra amount of R&D time imposed upon them. R&D moderators will be entitled to their opinions as they relate to submissions, though personal or OOC bias will not be allowed. Note that this does not apply to simple upgrades to existing techs.</li>
<li>Designs may include a diagram. This is not absolutely essential, but it certainly will help the staff member working on approving your R&D understand your concept more easily. Thus, it may be approved faster. </li>
<li>No ship design size may exceed 8000 meters. </li>
<li>The limit to the amount of R&D's you can create is currently a soft cap of 10. This means, if all your previous submissions are acceptable, and of good quality, you may be awarded more slots above and beyond the original 10. If the staff & R&D moderators find your submissions lacking in quality, you will be denied extra slots. </li>
<li>All R&D designs must be posted in the OOC Forum and approved specifically before construction may begin. The excuse of the R&D having been approved over a chat system (the TRF chat, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, etc.) will not be accepted. The approval must be on the OOC Forum. </li>
<li>No superlasers or superlasers dressed up with funny names on R&D vessels. Please note that the staff is not stupid and CAN tell that that superlaser on your ship is a superlaser even if you call it a "graviton flux transistor array beam cannon". </li>
<li>Ships, droids, or weapons built using an R&D without the R&D having been approved on the board will be stricken from the group in question's manifest without compensation or consultation. </li>
<li>Groups should keep R&D documents in a forum on their board. This forum may be closed if they so please, however, bear in mind that the designs MUST be supplied to your opponents in the event of the use of the R&D against them in battle. You are not required to supply the designs to your opponents in any circumstance but that.</li>
<li>Ships without proper statistics for use on TRF may be submitted via the "General R&D" section. The General R&D's are techs that may or may not be official, but are approved for play anyway. Submissions are available for anyone to build, provided you have the proper In Character connections. EG: A new lightside group couldn't build an Empire-specific Star Destroyer, as they would not have the plans.</li>
<li>Cloak-capable R&D submissions: Every cloakable submission will-<ol type="a">
<li>Have major drawbacks in one area or a number of smaller drawbacks for mounting a cloaking device.</li>
<li>Cloak submissions which are deemed too powerful will face extra build-time above and beyond their size. All cloaking technologies are extremely expensive and rare, this WILL be reflected in all relevant R&D and RP's</li>
<li>Please see FORCE-USER RULES: R&Ds Regarding the Force for more information on R&Ds which involve the force. </li></ol>

Design Times
Design time begins the moment you submit your R&D for approval.
- 20 days for ship 1 meter to 400 meters
- 25 days for ships 401 meters to 800 meters
- 30 days for ships 801 meters to 1,200 meters
- 35 days for ships 1,201 meters to 1,600 meters
- 40 days for ships 1,601 meters to 2,000 meters
- 45 days for ships 2,001 meters to 2,400 meters
- 50 days for ships 2,401 meters to 2,800 meters
- 55 days for ships 2,801 meters to 3,200 meters
- 60 days for ships 3,201 meters to 3,600 meters
- 65 days for ships 3,601 meters to 4,000 meters
- 70 days and 6 shipyards for ships 4,001 meters to 7,600 meters
- 80 days and 8 shipyards for ships 7,601 meters to 8,000 meters</li>


#11 10:03pm 12/04/04

Might as well say it here. Thanks for the position.

#10 7:23am 03/04/04

OK so you guys are sure you want me to be a mod this time right? You're sure? Because I'm gonna post here saying I'm a mod... so you're completely sure right? OK... I guess I'm the new R&D mod...

#9 11:05pm 03/09/03

I accept the title of R&D mod...

...and all that good stuff.

*Eats popcorn*


#8 7:39am 21/05/03

Read and..

<span style="color:red;font-size:xx-large;">ACKNOWLEDGED</span>

#7 12:44am 16/05/03

To those submitting:

If your R&D has any special permissions as granted by any staff memeber, be sure to have them post the affirmative in your thread. We don't want to have to hunt people down.

It's your R&D and your time to be wasted.

#6 4:15pm 15/05/03

No I don't accept you sickos how could you do this to me? This is unfair! I want a recount...oh wait I GOT the job...

Oh well that case...

I accept.

But I get cheetohs right?

#5 9:45pm 12/05/03

Ready, willing and, able.

And I'll be around. More often then not.

So bumpity-bump-bump.

#4 4:24pm 18/02/03

I'm ready and willing baby!

...but you guys [i]could[/i] have put a notice in the ooc forum, lol

I am having some connection problems myself, but I can still come on and give things a good going over, if it changes I'll let everyone know.

*looks at long list of R&D's to look at*


*rolls up sleeves*

#3 5:48pm 10/02/03

I am recognizing the position and recognizing the willingess I myself have for the position. At the moment though, due to real life matters, I won't be the most active (at the moment), I will try to read and comment on as many as I can get too.

#2 7:40am 10/02/03

Recognising and i'm willing to help out.

#1 6:44am 10/02/03

Will the three R&D mods please post recognizing their new position and confirming their willingness and ability to carry out their duty.