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Galactic Citizen


 Cadinth is a black sand desert world located within the Tion Hegemony. Like nearby Lianna, Cadinth's natural beauty was destroyed by intense industrialization. Sprinkled throughout the deserts are the ruins of prior civilizations. The Imperial's environmental research facility is located here, noted in the background.
Control - The Dominion
Type - Planet
Region - Outer Rim
Sector - Allied Tion sector 
Map Co-ordinates - S6
System - Cadinth
Position in System - unknown
Moons - none
Length of Year - unknown
Length of Day - unknown
Environment - Dry Desert and industrial
Native Sentient Races - Humans
Sentient Population - Humans
Planetary Defences - unknown
Form of Government - Oligarchy
Leaders - Cadinth Oligarchy 
Capitol City - unknown
Chief Exports and Production - unknown


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