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The Rebel Faction » Forums » Role Playing » Astral Astoria » The Bazaar: A New Beginning. [Open.]

1  8:07pm 16/01/07        
But They're So Cryptic Who Would Know
Jelan has received word, whilst on Coruscant, that the space station lived up to the numerous rumors she had heard. That it was, in fact, like a planet itself, though it lacked the terrain and natural water supplies, as well as the clouds and the good and bad weather, but nevertheless it was like its own planet. Now, when a currently unemployed Twi’lek like herself caught word of such a place (and was also capable of finding a cheap, yet reliant, transport to the station), she would of course make her way there as quickly as possible, in hopes of finding herself a new beginning there.

Surely with such rumors about the galaxies, numerous people would be there, right? And for such a large space station (if the rumors were true), its capacity would be able to hold a hell of a lot of people, which meant that, in order to serve such mass quantities of people, some place there would need help, right? She had hoped that this was so—or perhaps she’d run into someone who had some sort of business elsewhere in the Galaxy that could use a decent pilot, need an assassin for hire, or something in her areas of current expertise (which she was hoping would eventually have a great variety). Minus, however, the dancing that she had done while working part time for the Underground (as she calls it); for she disliked it for more than one reason. Twi’leks were enslaved to dance, and she was lucky enough to have been able to get paid for what she did, though little it was, and was allowed to eat when she was not dancing, and did not find herself chained to floors during the nighttime.

With that option erased, unless the pay was decent, she waited as the transport was directed into one of the Dockings Bays, where she would then be able to pay the man who had brought her here—a friend of her parents, and she called the human, though odd as it was, her Cousin since they had been so close—and leave the ship, then discover whether the rumors were true or not.

Walking out of the hangar bay, she turned and watched the man’s ship exit and fly off for a distance, before making the jump to light speed, heading back to Coruscant from whence she had originally come. Turning back around, she adjusted the leather belt that she had found back on the aforementioned planet, and continued on. Though scantily clad from her dancing days (which she preferred that outfit above all others) in a hip cloth and a simple top, with that odd belt tied about her waist (which may have drawn some odd looks, but she was used to it; for she stood out), she ignored some of the looks given her way. Perhaps they were of curiosity, interest, or disgust, but nevertheless she ignored them, noting that all of them were Humans anyhow, which might have been the reason. Had they never seen her race before? Surely they must have on a Station such as this one.

Taking in a deep breath, she walked into one of the Shifters, the destination being near the Bazaar, and as she heard, it was an entire level itself that was the entire length of the station. She probably should have taken those Credits from her last job with her. She remembered the look on the face of Fa’Joor, and it brought a slight smile to her face. She had gotten her revenge, which was bottled up inside for quite some time. That was what she excelled at in her area of expertise as an assassin: killing slave traders, slave drivers…anything to do with slaves whatsoever. The thought simply enraged her.

Having drifted away in thought, she found herself bumping into the back of someone, and she drew back two steps before looking up and apologizing. “Oh! I’m sorry,” she said, hoping that whoever it was knew Basic.
2  11:18pm 21/01/07        
"So you're willing to do business with the Germanican Grays?" Max smiled coolly pushing his chair back on its two back legs. He was use to going on the Astoria and hiring former assasins and warriors to join the Grays' Special Operatives division.

"My life has been a terror. I am wanted by seven crime lords for killing their family members and destroying the racket businesses." The Rodian spoke in a thick basic, and Max had a heck-of-a time understanding him. "I am risking your life as well just by speaking to you."

Max smiled, he was use to being told that. "I assure you that we are safe."

"Indeed. You can assure all you want, but if you knew the people that wanted me dead, you would be afraid." The Rodian was speaking faster now. "Fa'Joor being one of them."

Max rested his chair onto all fours and stood up. "Fa'Joor? He is dead."

"Impossible. I just saw him recently." The Rodian sounded genuinely surprised. "Not even a week ago, I would say."

"Well, I am sure that he is dead. I doubt my Germanican intel was wrong." Max laid his hand on the hilt of his Sith blade. "Quite. Something is wrong, I sense someone outaide the door."

The Rodian jumped out of his chair too and fell down as he started wheezing.

"Dammit." Max mumbled to himself choking on the word.

"B-b-behind!" the Rodian managaed to cough out as Max swung his head behind himself and saw two armed Trandoshans and an Ubese, the Germanican predator.

Max pulled his twin sith blades and summoned the will of the force as the Trandoshans came charging at him. Max swung his blades so quick, defending himself. The Trandoshans jumped back as Max made a sloppy waist high slash towards them. The whole time the Ubese was watching in a fierce expression.

"Kill him!" the Ubese shouted pulling out a double-bladed Vibrosword.

The Trandoshans hissed something and started to get fiercer. Swing left to right to side to side and across and down. Max using the force to easily parry away every single blow. With a twist of his wrist Max cut off the sword hand of the left Trandoshan.

As Max took pride in his small victory, the Trandoshan to his right seized the small opening Max made and swung at Max's forehead, Max sensed in the force the move and flipped his head as the blunt side of the blade scarred Max's forehead.

The pain and anger welled inside Max as he started to get fiercer himself. he swung to the Trandoshan's sid with such force that when the Trandoshan went to block it, he was knocked back, with a huge crack. The Trandoshan let out a moan as he tried to move his wrist, but the action was in vain.

Max looked at his two unarmed and open opponents and sliced both of them up. Nice and quick. He glared at the Ubese as it ran out of the doorway and dissapeared, like a breath of air.

Max checked the Rodian and saw that he was dead. With a quick blessing for the young Rodian, Max ran out the door and towards the direction Max sensed the Iridonian went.

The young Germanican stopped as he felt something bang into the back of him.

“Oh! I’m sorry,” she said, as Max swiftly turned around with his blades out.

"You!" Max grunted stretching up to his tallest height. He was much taller than the blue skinned Twi'lek who looked about two meters measured. "Because of you I lost him. He was strong in the dark side. If I caught him I could've killed him, I am sure of it. But because of you, I lost him!"

Max frowned as he saw that he had hurt the Twi'leks' feelings, but he didn't want to apologize after his majour outburst. "Ugh..."
3  11:47pm 21/01/07        
But They're So Cryptic Who Would Know
She drew back three steps as her violet eyes looked up at the man who was much taller than she, and she blinked thrice, swallowing hard. She had originally thought that an apology would have made things right, but apparently her assumptions were wrong; terribly wrong, as it were. She wondered what he was talking about—she had seen a man run out earlier, was that who this distressed, angry-looking man was after? She didn’t know, but it wasn’t the conclusion that first entered her mind, as her mind was trying to find some sort of words that were lost somewhere.

When he neared her, however, something inside her began to tingle…she wasn’t able to tell why, but something inside her told her that he was some sort of Force User. A Jedi? A Sith? A Germanican? She wasn’t able to tell, yet she didn’t even know why she was thinking these things anyways, but she let the thoughts slide away from her. She based the tingling on the fact that maybe her hands were, for whatever reason, falling asleep. “I, uh…” she attempted a sentence, but it was as if the sentence she had was made of glass, and she had just dropped it on the floor of the Bazaar, scattering the broken pieces every which way, and it was nearly impossible to place it back together.

“…didn’t mean to…” she said, her voice trailing off as her left hand instinctively went to the back left side of her belt, which held a basic blaster in it. Once again, something told her not to draw it, and so she let her hand drop, returning to her side, and decided to tell him about the man that she had seen running away from her, and she looked off in that direction, tilting her head to see around the much larger man.

Before she could make herself come to any words, she lifted an oceanic hand, one finger coming out from the loose fist it was in, and pointed off in the direction from which she saw him running. “If you’re looking for that which was running,” she hadn’t seen enough of him to sense which race he was, “he went that way…” she said, feeling slightly guilty for nearly causing him the chase. Then again, she herself was an assassin, and she could offer him some sort of help…but could she trust him if she told him who she was? Or, well, what she was? She decided to take the chance.

“I can help you. You might not think I can, but I can,” she said and shrugged her shoulders as she stepped to the side so she could stare off into the crowd, her eyes traveling over the numerous faces in the crowd. She then had some sort of impulse to tell him who she was. Therefore, she followed her gut feeling, and spat it out. “I’m Jelan Teff. Although I doubt you’d have heard of me,” she said with a slight smirk on her face.
4  1:17am 23/01/07        
Max looked around his shoulder to see the Twi'lek and then he looked in the direction she was pointing.

She does seem sorry...

"Well, I guess you may help." Max shook his head slightly. "I am Max Reem. You may have heard of me, you may haven't."

Max smiled and put his blades in his robes. Max looked at Jelan and nodded, she looked puzzled at first and then eralized Max was slowly gaining speed. She acknowledged the nod with her own, and started running as well.

Max ran with Jelan, while she amazingly kept in a close proximity of him, he was using the force trying to find the Ubese predator, but hiss attempts were in vain, there were so many life forces in the area that they all led in different directions.

At a four forked turn Max stopped.

Damn... where to go...?

Max looked at the Jelan. "Any ideas Jelan?"