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The Rebel Faction » Forums » Role Playing » Astral Astoria » Section C-15

1  12:19pm 20/10/06        
Currently Homeless
Xi-Nok hated cleaning toilets. The job was usually left for the lowliest of the low, one thing Xi-Nok knew he was not. But for shooting at a drunk guy who you think is a Sith Lord when it was really one of your supierior officers, toilet cleaning duty was a blessing. The last thing Xi-Nok wanted was to get kicked out of the police. He dreamed of one day becoming the highest ranking officer on the ship, and discussing polotics with the miraculous Jedi. Xi-Nok liked polotics, he really did. But whenever he tried to sound informed by giving his opinion on the newest ambassadors, he only succeded in making himself seem more like a fool. You see, the only polotics Xi-Nok ever got access to were the tidbits from outdated newspaper articles in the bathroom stalls.But even if polotics made Xi-Nok seem like an idiot who has no idea what he was talking about, Xi-Nok still loved polotics.

After finishing the last toilet in the last stall of the last bathroom, Xi-Nok went back to Police Headquarters. There, he found the superior officer who had given him the disgusting task (the one he had accidentally mistaken for a Sith Lord) and told him he was all finished.

\"Did you get the one\'s in C-15?\" the officer asked. C-15. Xi-Nok had avoided that area for a reason. People said the place was haunted.

\"No sir,\" Xi-Nok said, his voice quivering.

\"Then get to it.\" Xi-Nok knew there was no point in arguing. He would have to clean the toilets, or he would get his shiny badge taken away. Xi-Nok polished his badge twice a day.

Xi-Nok made his way to the C-15 toilets. He entered that first stall and began to scrub at the toilet\\\'s grimy interior. Then he heard a loud clang from the next stall over. \'Oh no! It\'s the ghost,\" thought Xi-Nok. Though Xi-Nok was usually faint at heart and cowardly, a sunnden braveness came over him. He exited the stall he was cleaning and walked to the stall in the very back. He put his ear to the door and listened. A faint humming came from inside the stall. He silently edged away from the door and grabbed his blaster pistol.

He kicked the door open with a loud battle cry and pointed the gun at the toilet. On it sat a cross-dressing droid with it\'s cord hanging out who was reading an upside down Universal Gazette. The droid squealed in a high pitch girly-man voice and tried to use the newspaper to cover itself. Xi-Nok fainted.
I will live forever or die trying!
2  11:26pm 29/10/06        
The Drunken Rogue
The Astral Astoria. It was mysterious, it was huge, and if rumors had it right, it was haunted in section C-15. However it also had a few great cantinas aboard the ship and that is where Twizzler had spent his much, if not all, of his time on the ship. But he couldn’t remember if he had arrived a day, week, or month ago. Spending his time in the cantina didn’t exactly help his memory at all. However he didn’t need a good memory to tell him he had to piss like a chicken on exlax would have to poop.

Wandering down the hall his only thoughts were, I hope I’m going the right way, because if I’m not I’m going to piss all over that wall. Then he saw the sign. It was so beautiful. The green light signaling Bathroom à. Being drawn to it he didn’t notice another sign, a sign that read C-15. Coming to the first door he almost screamed out, in fact he might have. It was the woman’s bathroom. Beginning to grip his groin area he continued on toward the other door. Before he got to it he heard a great girly-man yell. It seemed someone was already there.

Pushing the doors open the first thing he noticed was a most beautiful sight. The urinals. Anyone who has ever had to pee knows just how good it feels when you do. That is why he did not realize there was a man who had fainted on the floor. Rushing forward he stood in front of one urinal and un-zipped his pants. Letting out a moan of satisfaction he quickly drained himself of liquid. After finishing he promptly re-zipped his pants and made his way over to the sinks.

Finally he noticed the figure on the ground in front of a stall. He figured he should help the man, but some matters came first. Turning on the water he began to wash his hands. It was then that an idea struck. He would use the water to awaken the man. Cupping his hands he allowed them to fill with water. Walking, or rather stumbling, over to the man he dumped it over the man’s face. After that he gently slapped the man’s face. Trying to wake the man up. The eyes slowly opened and Twizzler spoke.

“What are you doing on the floor?”