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Galactic Citizen

The Rebel Faction » Forums » Role Playing » Astral Astoria » All Stories Start In A Bar (Open)

1  9:13am 14/09/06        
Sith Knight
OOC: Can't help but notice how little activity there is around on this board. Ah well. Ithron Galad is tall but not heavily built, and was training to be a jedi on TRF 3 years ago :P He left when I did, and now i'm back and so's he. There's the basic character bio.


It all started going wrong, thought Ithron, the day I left the academy.

What exactly had happened? He thought back, trying to penetrate the mist in his mind caused by too much drink and not enough sleep. It was after Master Cole had vanished, and noone seemed to know what to do with he had left the Jedi Academy, and gone back to his old life. A life of doing odd jobs for loose change, a life of fear and danger.

Before the academy, he hadn't known any better - he had assumed that the life of a mercenary was how his life would always be. But having been to the Academy, having seen the ornate pillars and felt the inner peace that came with meditating in such a safe and tranquil wasn't the same.

"I'll have to go back," he said aloud to the wall opposite him, behind the bar.

"What was that, friend?" the bartender asked, turning to look at Ithron. One of his most regular customers, the bartender pitied him. He looked like a man who had been into heaven for a week and then had to go live in hell.

"I said I'd have another drink!" Ithron snapped.

As Ithron descended back into his own thoughts, a movement by the entrance made him look round.

OOC: Now Closed. This post will be in TSO forums, as it's now part of my char's story since noone wanted to RP it :)