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The Rebel Faction » Forums » Role Playing » Astral Astoria » The Mental Nutcase

1  1:39am 19/06/06        
They Pay More Then TNO
"Hi gals, how are you doing?"asked Benjamin Long a muscular buff who loves his life. "Good!" replied a group of 3 girls named Andrea,Tara and Sam. They are triplet astorians who all have a big crush on Ben. Andrea the active, friendly one whom is a excellent cook. Tara a beautiful model who cares about everybody and loves Ben. Sam a tom boy girl who is into wrestling she is very hot!

"You ready to go to the dance, tonight Ben?"asked Tara in a sweet tone while waving her long blonde hair. "I don't know who to go with. Would you like to come ,Tara, with me an old fool who is a mental nutcase?"joked Ben as always."I'd love to come!"shrieked Tara.

"Sheesh girl you need a chill pill!"giggled Sam. " HA HA,"joked Tara.

"Well let's go,"Ben commanded always never staying still.
2  10:23pm 19/06/06        
They Pay More Then TNO
"I wonder if Tara knows that we are only going as friends"Ben said to Tara's sister Sam."Probably not, she's had a crush on you since, like forever!"replied Sam wondering if she should have said that knowing that Tara would probably tell Ben that she has a crush on him wanting revenge.
3  3:17pm 21/07/06        
Ben was usually drunk or so, but he didn't plan to, today though because... the dance. He wanted Tara to be happy. He was going to the store to buy a suit, with Sam so he would pick a good chick suit.

Ben was excited about the dance....

*7.5 hours later*

"So Tara...