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Galactic Citizen

The Rebel Faction » Forums » Role Playing » Astral Astoria » John Starwalker

1  1:07am 10/05/06        
Currently Homeless
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2]Jonn Starwalker[/SIZE], quickly brushes his tattered military uniforms upon exiting the shifter at the entrance to the "Astral Astoria's Bazzaar on the 150th floor". How many times had the Duros told him that line until he memorized it, ever since leaving hades hives, the Duros, whom he had asked for information just stuck to him like a hungry Mynark, telling him his life story. A boring story :glance , He practically ran into the shifter once he got the location of the great market where Jonn would get the weapons he needs for his Revolution.....[/COLOR]
"[FONT=Century Gothic]In order to understand the Great Mystery, one must study All Its aspects..."[/FONT]