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Galactic Citizen

The Rebel Faction » Forums » Role Playing » Astral Astoria » A Conspiracy?

1  5:37pm 15/01/06        
Imperial Stormtrooper Captain
The Eagle , Xavier Cassius's modified Y-Wing, approached the Astral Astoria space station with a whine of it's modded up engines. It swooped down towards the landing bay. In the cockpit, Xavier regressed the thruster as he approached as it passed the gravity generator. The Eagle landed gently and Xavier sighed. He was in this station to kidnap a security lieutenant, Siket Drek, who was a known rapist and sadistic killer. He was coming to capture him and take him back to his employers, who were a few tens of parsecs away. He stepped out, ajusting his blaster rifle across his chest. The bounty hunter exited the hangar after activating the security system on the Y-Wing.
"The Empire is what holds the Galaxy together. It brought order out of the ashes of the Clone Wars. Is that not something to fight for... to die for?"