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Galactic Citizen

The Rebel Faction » Forums » Role Playing » Astral Astoria » Always in trouble


1  7:09pm 07/02/05        
oh god no!!!!! help unkown ships are on me help *blast*............ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *crash* oh were am I.... (oh i must be on a uninhabted planet oh well) the s.p.t.v the loto "and now............................................. 1 and thats the lotery in other news the enterpener pom yi ko has been jailed for ileagly atemting to buy a football team corpate crillers worth 70 billion ..............................."what no! oh dam oh well beter make camp "log book deativate"
death to the headens
2  7:43pm 07/02/05        
This is not funny i've been chased by black things oh the news"and its ............................................................. in oth..r ne..w.s we have a killer on the loose "boring hm is that a ship no it cant be can it?........... it is i better go but ........ shouuld I oh what the hell *gets in ship* yaahoooooooooo come back here get him oh$£"£%^&^%% &^*&&$$""!!£$$^* oh hell back fireing missles bombs away! ****************%*&*^&^%£££££££"!" "log book deactivated"
death to the headens
3  7:53pm 07/02/05        
i fuck my.o. wn mom he sed
no sed


its 2 l8te for taht shit now
ur dead lt commander kose u fugking faggot

4  8:09pm 07/02/05        
i deied weather im dead or not you spaz you cant tell me without my expreesed permission
death to the headens
5  8:14pm 07/02/05        
i t8k eout my pen15..............................a.nd. cast Lv. 15 eroticism then i fire missles oall OVER UR FACE OMG BEITCH

u spaze

6  8:18pm 07/02/05        
stop being ignorant
death to the headens
7  6:59pm 08/02/05        
hmmmmmmmmm heh........... i loved that batle "homer no dad! homer why you lil............................................................................"noooooooooooooooooooo huh what the? "&^%$$$$$$%%^&%%$£$£""""""""""!"££$$%%%%%%%%%^&^^^^%%%%$$$£$£$£$£$£$" oh no not agian *blast* hrrrrrrr........ *shoots* ha oh no get away ill activate my translater " prepare to destory him uh it oh what ever lets kill him"
oh hell frie laser *blast* ha lets get out of here "log book deactivated"
death to the headens
8  7:38pm 08/02/05        
got to get to a planet huh a space station ( reminds me of luna) lets dock hmmmm nice place a casino mabey i can gamble my way out of this godforesaken galaxy mabey ill buy a new ship or ill get a job hmm whats on the 300th floor " duno" hmmmm.............................
death to the headens
9  8:46pm 08/02/05        
........ you your the reason my dads dead " stop whill your ahead " ill show you, "you have no wepon" ill use my earth saber " die!!" *slash* surender you'll never beat me " what are we to do now two men in endless combat" or you can surrender * steals light saber* die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "hey you your under ar whoa!! you took him not bad" *runs away* "hey come back"
death to the headens
10  6:36pm 09/02/05        
The medical ill need that * enters medical* "oh very bad the only way to cure you is to use a durg from urdur" hey that place its where my...... " go on" well years ago my dad left this galaxy and went to my home planet luna and fell in love with my mum. when i was 10 my dad told me everything it took me by supirze but i desided to go on the lsf mars and it was atack and i escaped here you see im cursed im always in trouble
death to the headens
