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Galactic Citizen

The Rebel Faction » Forums » General Discussion » To-do List » Thread/Page subscriptions

1  9:06pm 19/11/13        
I can't find a module that will allow me to subscribe to a thread and get updates when it is updated. I'll write one myself then! Kinda important I think.
2  9:11pm 19/11/13        
Of course now I find one. This is just a note to myself:
3  4:12am 20/11/13        
Thread subscriptions are now available. There is a plain looking 'Subscribe' link on the top and bottom of each thread page. You can customize your email notification preferences in Profile > Board Settings > Notification Settings. That's also where you can find a complete list of all threads you are subscribed to.

Any issues, let me know. I had to do a little bit of patchwork to make the module funciton, the guy who wrote it hasn't updated it in a bit I guess.
4  3:47pm 20/11/13        
Kneel Before Zod!
I have subscribed to some threads but have not tested the notifications.  I was hoping, though, that there would be links in the Subscription Manager to the roleplay/threads themselves to "quick-jump" to these threads even if there are no updates.
5  4:23pm 20/11/13        
I'm sure I can add that :)
6  5:07pm 20/11/13        
Kneel Before Zod!
One other thing regarding subscriptions:   When I view a thread that I subscribe to, there is a formatting error at the bottom.  Here is a screen shot:

7  5:09pm 20/11/13        
Kneel Before Zod!
Actually, that screen shot got cut off.  Here is a shorter version:

8  5:10pm 20/11/13        
Looks like it needs some breathing room, I should probably put together some kind of action bar to contain and style the pagination and subscription status, and keep the admin options from overflowing.