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The Rebel Faction » Forums » General Discussion » To-do List » Post Date/Time

1  9:11pm 18/11/13        
Kneel Before Zod!
I see when threads have been started and when the last post was made but in a thread with multiple posts, there is no indication (that I could see) as to when that post was made.  
2  10:30pm 18/11/13        
Hit the lil'arrow right next to your username. 
3  7:33pm 19/11/13        
Todo: Make the post date/time more visible, put it on the right-hand side of the post header.
4  8:36pm 19/11/13        
Kneel Before Zod!
Any way to make that a default setting (having the little arrows pre-clicked as it were for all posts)?    I guess it is not really an issue, just a personal preference.   Sort of like have month/day/year rather than day/month/year.  :) 
5  8:51pm 19/11/13        
Sure, I can make that a toggable switch. 

As far as dates go, yeah, they're all over the place. Luckily they're all in one file, so I just need to sit down and do it.