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Galactic Citizen

The Rebel Faction » Forums » General Discussion » To-do List » Private Messages

1  5:47pm 18/11/13        
Todo: Fix the styling.
Long-term todos: Make PMs threaded so you can actually see wtf you just replied to. Make it so you can re:all to group PMs.

Done: Verify that PMs print a notification.
This post was edited by Titus (1:21am 20/11/13, 11 years ago)
2  3:03pm 19/11/13        
Kneel Before Zod!
Is there a notification that you have a PM?  I am just randomly clicking the PM link to see if I have one.
3  3:12pm 19/11/13        
There should be. I'll verify.

Edit: For some reason I removed the tag that prints out the new message notification. I'll get that added back in tonight.
4  1:20am 20/11/13        
The header will now show how many unread PMs are in your inbox.