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The Rebel Faction » Forums » Role Playing » OOC Discussion » Planets List


131  11:38pm 03/06/15        
Is dead. Would rather not be.
Okay, so Corise added my pending planets, and I went ahead and made the Murk/Xionti switch since there's a big fancy OOC thread saying it's cool now. (Oh, and I'm going to remove Skako from the League of Companies because that appears to have fallen through the cracks). The Planets List should be up-to-date now.

And that just leaves this:

Belsus, Gentes, and Vinza for the Coalition's Western Province, as well as Ambria and the Moons of Rearqu for the Confederation's Western Expanse Prefecture.

Thread: Terra Nova Firma

Word count: approximately 29000
132  12:25pm 04/06/15        
Kneel Before Zod!
Tholatin for new faction:  The Tholatin Republic

Count:  5100

Thread:  Rise of the Phalanx
133  12:34pm 04/06/15        
Is dead. Would rather not be.
Zark has made me a little bit jumpy about editing my own planets, even with proper documentation and whatnot, so I think I'll just post this here for now and maybe pester somebody else to do the update later.

Kal'Shebbol, Pembric 2, Dayark, Exocron, and Lorize should be transferred from The New Order to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, under a new subfaction, the “Kathol Republic”. The existing Alliance planet of Yvara should be moved to that subfaction as well. “The Kathol Republic” should be removed as an independent In-Character group.

Bothawui should be transferred from The New Order to The Alliance to Restore the Republic, under a new subfaction, the “Combined Bothan Clans”. The existing Alliance planets of Sennatt, Mandell, and Kothlis should be moved to that subfaction as well.

Relevant IC threads:

The Force Wars

Relevant OOC thread: Hey Imperials (and Staff), look at this! I'm taking your planets away!
134  1:17pm 04/06/15        
Kneel Before Zod!
Given the nature of our activity (or lack therof), I would not sweat this.  You (since you are staff) can adjust the planet list since it would be a big help.  Just note on your planet list post that you are the one making the addition (as that would also help other staffers know that it was already done and they don't have to go down the list of planets only to find you already did it).

Actually, your post also noted relevant OOC thread where you got another staffer to allow it (as appropriate) was excellent.  That is a model planet list post imo.
135  8:51pm 04/06/15        
Is dead. Would rather not be.
Well in that case . . .

I double-checked the word count for Terra Nova Firma and added those planets. 

The Tholatin Republic now appears as a neutral faction, and I moved Tholatin from the Republic to it.

And I completed the TNO-Alliance planet transfers.

Oh, plus I moved Kamino from the Western Province to Outposts in the Coalition list, because Kamino's on the other side of the galaxy, and that just seemed weird.

So, once again, the Planets List should be up-to-date.
136  9:18pm 14/07/15        
Kneel Before Zod!
Actually, sorry, I did not realize that Tholatin was a part of the Republic.  So if you could simply make The Tholatin Republic a subfaction of the Republic, that would be fine.

Also, Corellian Diktat Protectorate should be renamed:  Gyndine Compact for TNO.
137  12:04am 31/07/15        
Admin - New Republican - VC Magnate - Reasonable Redcoat

Stop taking planets we already own!


138  9:21pm 31/07/15        
Is dead. Would rather not be.
Mon Eron has been added to the Galactic Coalition's Eastern Province.

Thread: A Coalition of the Compassionate: Tears to Fill an Ocean
Word Cont: over 8000

Tholatin has been moved back to The Republic under "The Tholatin Republic" subfaction

TNO's "Corellian Diktat" has been renamed "Gyndine Compact"

I think that's everything, so the List should be up-to-date once more.
