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Galactic Citizen

The Rebel Faction » Forums » Role Playing » Astral Astoria » The hauntings of the past


41  5:43pm 27/07/06        
SpecOps Leader of the Grays
Leonidas walked quietly into Farmecian's dormitory. Izizi was already awake and ready to leave as he had been listening in on the conversation. Leonidas knelt down beside the old doctor's bed and whispered, "Thanks". The doctor nodded and turned away from him to continue his sleep.

Max and Izizi stood at the doorway, ready to leave. Leonidas stopped to take what would most likely be his last look upon Spiritius, and then calmly opened the door. Instantly he slammed it close.

He turned to Maxas he prepared his blaster, "Get ready, the Noghris are here"
42  6:20pm 27/07/06        
Max turned to see them and instantly reacted by grabbing two sith swords and cutting down the first two where he saw Leonidas getting ready to attack another few.

Max smiled at Leonidas and decided to give leonidas, one of the blades. he tossed it to him and they both got ready to fight the last ones.
43  6:30pm 27/07/06        
SpecOps Leader of the Grays
Catching Max's blade and swinging it round in a vertical 360 degree arc, Leonidas sliced one of the foe's heads in half. Now there were six. Parrying a high chop and a low punch at the same time, he then gave the Noghri a fourty-five degree kick to the ribs. He quickly jabbed abother one in the nose, causing him to go momentarily stunned. Using the seconds gained, Leonidas turned off the safety on his newly installed device, he simultaneously decapitated the stunned Noghri to his right with the blade that he received from Max; and stabbed the Noghri to his left in its forehead using his new arm-dagger.

Leonidas turned round to Max who had already finished off three of the remaining four. Impressive. Izizi stood mightily over the shocked corpse of the remaining Noghri. Had this not been close combat, but a battle of bullets, it probably would've been a very different story.

"Too easy?" asked Leonidas as he, Max and Izizi walked bristly through the corridors towards the hangar bay...
44  7:06pm 27/07/06        
Too easy," max replied with a smile. Max continued to follow him and went into the hangar.
45  8:04pm 27/07/06        
SpecOps Leader of the Grays
Leonidas cautiously stepped through the hangar doors. There were no bounty hunters or Noghris around. He wuickly realised that it was the scouting party that they had stumbled upon. Leonidas beamed a joyful smile as he looked over at Max,

"So which one of these ships is yours?"
46  8:10pm 27/07/06        
"That one," Max said pointing to a Correllian Class Frigate.
47  8:30pm 27/07/06        
SpecOps Leader of the Grays
"Then let's get out of this hell-hole!"

And with that they took off to new adventures. Yet Spirituis was still there, unconscious, and easy prey to those that hunted him. Leonidas, even though he was now in a better life, couldn't help wondering, what had happened to Spiritius?
