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Galactic Citizen

The Rebel Faction » Forums » Role Playing » Astral Astoria » Always in trouble


31  1:21am 07/03/05        
With Pure Awesome
Well that's very...different. You should definitely check out that site that Theren Gavel posted, I think you'll find it to your liking. TGC is a very interesting lot and I'm sure your 'talent' for writing will fit in perfectly there.
32  1:24am 07/03/05        
It's Like Shaking Hands
I think that's worthy of the "report bad post" button.
33  2:13am 07/03/05        
Admin - New Republican - VC Magnate - Reasonable Redcoat
I literally am speechless.
34  9:07am 07/03/05        
Any spare change?
What in the blue fuck, martin luther king and britney spears just happened?
35  5:28pm 07/03/05        
El mas chingon!
Can I hose this off now?
[url=""] [/url]
36  6:29pm 07/03/05        
yes you can hose this off I don't care what anyone think's anyway you think it's crap well that's your problem
death to the headens
37  4:16pm 08/03/05        
Admin - New Republican - VC Magnate - Reasonable Redcoat
Well, I admire your determination there Kose.
38  5:06pm 08/03/05        
thank you
death to the headens
39  6:49pm 08/03/05        
Any spare change?
. . .and don't ask for feedback if you can't take what people have to say, regardless of whether or not we think about the things that we say.
40  7:14pm 08/03/05        
I'll kill you dead!
I feel so dirty for even viewing this atrocity.
