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The Rebel Faction » Forums » Role Playing » Astral Astoria » Newly arrived


21  9:12pm 04/03/06        
Seeking the rending of flesh
Myrkal grins as she speaks of lightsabers, it is a deep obcession within him. To him , nothing embodies the strength and beauty of life so much as the contest of blades. A part of his religion was based upon martial meditation. Training with lightsabers while blindfolded doing kata in a deep trancelike state. It was in these states that he always seemed to learn the most.

" I use short blades as well. Mine are azure blue like my eyes, i made them when i was twenty six. They are the size of scimitars, like these..." He turns and lifts his duster to show her the two sith scimitars hanging from his lower back. "... I train mainly with scimitars when not using my lightsabers. I find it rather invigorating to be able to best opponents with lightsabers with my sith blades. Unlike other blades they will not break easily when impacted with a lightsaber. They were made for acolytes of the Sith long ago to help in battles against the Jedi. In fact these two blades were used for that purpose many times." He smiles fondly at the memory of the last time he fought a Jedi apprentice. He had done so with the scimitars rather than his lightsaber, so that he could play with them. It was oddly erotic killing the apprentice which his master lay poisoned in the next room paralyzed but seeing everything.

"But at the same time, i have only used them on a few occasions to actually fight. Normally when i must i use my lightsabers to make sure." He smiles. "I might be good with a blade, some tell me im the best they have ever seen, but at the same time no matter how good i am if i fight one skilled with a lightsaber with the scimitars i might as well be killing myself." He laughs.

"So at what level in your training are you? Are you a padawan still or a knight. Myself i am not a member of an order so i am not completely sure as to what i would be ranked as. Although i would be modest and call myself a Knight if i had to. But like most who train themselves i do not have the training in the force abilities such as you do. I have to learn by trial and error not by the words of one practiced in the art. But that is the way i prefer it. When i learn something new i focus on it for months, perfecting it. But that is a rare occurance. My insights are normally pertaining to the duel and the blade. Two things which i hold dear. " He smiles at her then suddenly his face goes dark.

"I hope you do not go tell the rest of your people about me, they would probably see me as a threat and interfere in my life, i could not let that happen. My studies are paramount, i will destroy anything that interferes in them. I have many times already..." He pauses for a moment to let that thought sink in before continuing. "...but do not take that as a threat to you dear, it is not intended that way. It is not you i would be angry at, but whoever your council sent to talk to me, or kill me. I am not a fool, i know you will speak to them of me, it is required of you by your rules. But i ask you not to tell them of my leanings, then they will think i am sith and come to take me out. I am not a god, or anywhere near to it, but rather i know my weaknesses and if they sent a skilled knight then i would probably exist no more." He supresses the smile that attempts to creep upon his face. It would take a couple to do that, and where he was heading after here it would take a lot more than that, if at all possible to take out a sith stronghold.

" But i ask only that much of you, in return i will keep you up to date on some of the comings and goings of renegade sith here and on coruscant. Is it a deal?"
22  10:10pm 05/03/06        
So Frustrating!
Tatane shrugged slightly at his question, not being used to seeing herself as anything other than a student. Whether she was padawan or knight, she was always one willing to learn, and would always do so. But perhaps others were content with knowing the social rank of another, the one earned by those that had studied for some time to come.

"I would be known as a padawan, above my place of mere apprentice - " she said, "though I feel close to a rise to knight. Still, it would not matter to me whether or not I was padawan or higher.... I am a Jedi, despite all names and titles, and when stripped to the core I will always be, without any other unnecessary ranks to bind me."

She listened intently, her eyes on the counter edge, to his speech - quite surprised that he would ask such a thing of her. If he had gathered so much from her demeanor so far, would he not have guessed her initial reaction would be once she returned to Naboo?

"Of course I would not speak of you," she murmured. "I had not thought of that until now, anyway. I of all people am aware of your will to learn and to gather knowledge... why would I feel the need to stop you? You are not Sith, you are not Jedi... there is nothing that would concern you with my... people. My Order." And with that she let it lie... here. She could not help but disagree with her own words, wondering if he was indeed a threat to the Jedi's missions and goals. But she was sincere in her promise, and she would say nothing of him on her return to her home world.

"Perhaps I would like this knowledge, if it would be no problem, and so you do have a deal," she said gently. Perhaps his word was not to be fully trusted, but who knew? It could become an asset ... a hint, of sorts, to greater things in the long run.
Tatane Adanon - Full Character Bio l [url=""]Old Avatar[/url] l Full Profile Picture

Avatar artwork by Aimo. Profile picture artwork by Saehral.
23  12:47am 06/03/06        
Seeking the rending of flesh
He smiled when she agreed to the deal. It seemed that today was starting to foment in a constructive manner. "Well, how do you wish for me to get a hold of you. It is relatively impossible to get a hold of me, so often I am travelling and in remote areas that my comm normally doesnt work. I would prefer if i did not have to send a message to you through the temple or nothing, as i said i would prefer this to be between the two of us, noone else." He smiles seeing this as a slight victory. A padawan who is willing to not speak of him to her superiors. Hmmm. He smiles at the prospects that could lead to.

He knew instinctively that she would be true to her word, and that made him ache to turn her more. What a weapon she would be if she was turned, but was not completely aware of it and remain among the jedi. But how to do that was beyond him. Instead of fuming over that he decided that he would be a bit more socialable. Looking around he notices that music is playing and a grin spreads over his face. Once again he looks merely like a mysterious Adonis. The few traces of his true nature flew from him and he appeared all of sudden as a normal man.

With a whirl he stands up fluidicly and extends his hand to her. "Care to dance." Shrugging his shoulders his duster falls neatly into place on the barstool he was just sitting on. Without the duster to cover and mask his body he looks even more attractive. A mix of warrior scholar, yet his eyes tag him as the extremely mysterious type.
24  4:11am 07/03/06        
So Frustrating!
Tatane did not know how to reply to him about a form of communication, in all truth. She was unaware of a way to keep any type of link without giving to him full access to her location, her "place" in the world through the Force. She was silent a moment, thoughtful. "Perhaps you would have some type of suggestion," she replied, extending the now empty glass to the bartender and shaking her head at the notion of another fill. "I'm rather short on ideas, myself." This did not mean, however, that she was not thinking of one that would suit them both. She was turning in her mind over and over again, of how they would keep a link over so large a distance, and yet protect each other from any unexpected manuevers.

His question seemed to catch her off guard, especially with the sudden motion that brought him to his feet. "Dance?" she murmured in befuddlement as she looked at those on the floor. "Oh, I don't dance..." after a moment of silence, she added "...well. I don't dance well." In fact, she hadn't really tried at all. Even at times when she had had the opportunity to pose as a dancer when getting closer to someone required the loss of one's Jedi status, she had preferred some other route, some other answer. She was not the dancing type.

"I suppose," she said with a slight sigh, "that I could try, however." A bit hesitantly she took the offered hand, her robe sleeve tugging toward her elbow at the beckon of the laws of gravity. "I only hope that your feet are well protected and that you are well prepared."
Tatane Adanon - Full Character Bio l [url=""]Old Avatar[/url] l Full Profile Picture

Avatar artwork by Aimo. Profile picture artwork by Saehral.
