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The Rebel Faction » Forums » Role Playing » Astral Astoria » Stranded


21  9:47pm 14/01/06        
Bounty Hunter
Dagon rolled onto his side sending an array of blaster bolts towards the Probot. They seemed to simply deflect off the machines armour and shoot off into the roof or the ground of the Engineering Level.

Dagon had been scanning the Upper Levels hoping for a surprise attack, and he made one, taking out two guards but then the Probot assaulted him from the shadows. Dagon cursed himself for not noticing the Probot, but as he rolled and dodged it's attacks he had little time to continue whining about it.

The bot came back at Dagon and he side-stepped the attack and ran up the wall flipping backwards onto the bot sending a volley of shots into it's back plating where he hoped it would be more vulnerable. Some wires were burnt and destroyed but the bot was still 100% funtional. Dagon was then thrown off of the Probot and came down hard against the wall, sliding down to the floor.
22  5:43am 15/01/06        
Union Bounty Hunter
Brant smiled as he lined the Probot in his crossairs and activated the Active Silencer. As he squezed the trigger, almost silent red bolts lanced out at the bot, which easily tore through the thick amor plate that suroned it....just as Dagon jumped on.

Both were thrown violently to the cold, hard floor. "Sithspit!" Brant cursed, but before he could see if Dagon was okay he would have to deal with a new threat.

A pair of blast doors opened, and a large group of evil looking thugs stepped out and riased their weapons.

"Time to die," the 'target' frp, ealier said, loading some shotgun shells into his old-fashioned weapon.

"You wish," Brant whispered, and opened fire upon the group. His lasers were soon followed by shots from Dagon's duel pistols. Although bleedign slightly from a mino head wound, Dagon seemed to be okay.

In moments only a few thugs remained. A shotgun shot turned the repeatign blaster to debris, and Brant was forced to use his father's lightsaber. He couldn't miss the suprise in Dagon's and the thug's eyes.

As Dagon shot down the secodn to last thug, Brant colapsed to the floor as a shotgun shot sent durasteel balls into his leg. He cried in pain.

"Fool!" the 'target' smiled, and began to pull the trigger, but in a moment, Brant kicked the man in the crouch, then impaled him on his saber.

"You are right," Brant gasped, throwing the man accros the room and accidentally knocked Dagon to the ground, "Fool."

He reached down and healped Dagon to his feet. "Sorry about that. And by the way, that name's Flir. Brant Flir."

"Jedi?" Dagon demanded.

"No, but my father was," Brant shook his head, "Well, let's see what we got."

As Dagon entered the HQ ahead, which was now void of enemies. Before Brant follewed, he saw a small holodisk protudign from the 'target's pocket. He lifted it up and turned it on. A strangly shaped starfighter apeared, and stats began to show up. 'M-Wing' it said.

He stuffed it in his pocket and followed Dagon...

Don't mention the M-Wing
23  4:06am 16/01/06        
Bounty Hunter
Dagon continued on with Brant not far behind. "Where to now?" he asked himself, consulting to the datapad to try and formulate their next move. The corridor that they were currently walking down led straight towards what the old man labelled as the "HQ" and the eventual end to their mission. Dagon was growing tired, blood was beginning to drip down like sweat from his forehead and he felt a stabbing pain in his arm but could not find the cause of it.

There was no further resistance as the two bounty hunters approached the final door seperating them from their bounty. The large steel doors swung open upon their approach and they were confronted by five men standing with robes of varying colours worn. They were not jedi, the robes were encrusted with runes and jewels - they were too bold to be jedi robes - probably just a group of wealthy, greedy gangsters. "At last, the source of all this racket has arrived at their destination," the leader, who stood in the centre spoke with a sinister tone. "But now what Dagon? Kill us? Collect your bounty?" he shook his head in sarcastic disappointment. "We can't have that."

All five of the gangsters pulled out vibroblades, some with a vibroblade in one hand and a blaster pistol in the other. Dagon took a step back and brought his blasters up to begin targeting his enemies. There were too many, and despite their age they looked to have some hidden strength within them, something unnatural. "Let's do this," Dagon spoke and fire off a few quick shots before rolling to the side. He rose to find that the gangsters had deflected the bolts with their vibroblades and were now turned onto the aggressive side. Three coming towards him, including the leader and the other two leaping towards Brant. Unfortunately for Dagon, he would not get to see the look of surprise on their faces when Brant unleashed the lightsaber upon them.
24  4:32am 16/01/06        
Dragon Rider Trainee
(SHoot! wrong log-in, this is Brant)

Brant calmly walked foreward with no weapons drawn as the two gangsters rushed towards him. The first swung down with his blade, but Brant quickly grabbed and twisted the man's wrist, causing him to drop the weapon, and then kicked the man with his steel-toes boot.

The second lifted his blaster, but not before he threw the vibroblade, which he had just liberated from the other gangster, right into the barrel of the blaster, causing it ot backfire. The man dropped the burnign gun in a hurry.

By this time the first man was back on his feet, and had a blaster rifle in hand, and the other man lifted his dagger. They charged...

And both fell in pieces as Brant ignited his lightsaber with a snap-hiss, and made a quick cross-sweep. The look of astonishment in their dead eyes didn't leave them.

He turned to see Dagon locked in combat with the leader, and another dead on the ground. The third was nowhere to be seen. Brant searched the area, and then heard the knife wirl.

The man was jumpign down towards Dagon's head. Without hesitationg Brant threw his lightsaber, and cried out in pain as it burnt the very tip of his figner off. He looked down at the raw flesh, and then up to see the man, dead, speared against the wall by Brant's purple-bladed lightsaber...
25  1:04am 17/01/06        
Bounty Hunter
Dagon was now alone against the leader of the gangsters. He had not cared to think of it earlier but he had addressed Dagon by his name - how could he know him. He thought of slowing down the combat by addressing this question but had to duck and sidestep a swing of his attackers vibroblade. He seized the opportunity and came up with an uppercut sending the man backwards, his vibroblade suspended loosely in the air. The man came down to the ground but rolled backwards onto his feet ready to charge again, but he quickly hesitated as he saw that he was disarmed and that Dagon was in possession of his vibroblade.

The man's eyes drifted to his companion who was still impaled on the wall by Brant's purple lightsaber and a sinister grin appeared. "A lightsaber in the possession of a bounty hunter?" he turned slightly to Brant. "Am I correct in assuming that you are no jedi, and have no knowledge of the force?" he didn't allow Brant to answer before he turned back to Dagon. "I never thought that this conflict would come to this, but it seems that I have run out of options," he moved his arm to his sides and raised them sending a series of lightning bolts towards Dagon. He tried to move but they seemed to follow him, the electricity coursing through his body, burning his flesh producing a searing pain that he found unbearable forcing him to drop helplessly to his knees. He turned to look at Brant and with a flick of his wrist sent the other bounty hunter flying off into the wall.

"Impressive," Dagon managed to say as he slowly began to rise to his feet as the Sith approached him. He quickly drew his blaster with his left hand and fired two shots at the force user, but they were pushed away with the force sending them back at him narrowly missing his face. Fearing that his life was now coming to an end, Dagon dropped his blaster and shrunk down bracing himself with his hands, appearing to be almost bowing to the Sith.

"You are brave, and strong Dagon... you could make a good Sith, a powerful acolyte of the dark side... but unfortunately - I have my own Master," he began to pull his arms up to deal one final blow. As he did this time seemed to slow around Dagon, he began to search frantically for a way out of this. He glanced to Brant on the side wall; the Sith preparing to send a stream of lightning that would surge through Dagon's body and ultimately kill him; and finally the lightsaber, still on, wedged into the wall an arms length away from his.

The lightning was finally released and sent towards Dagon - someone he rolled allowing the concrete flooring to absorb the attack. As he did so he lunged, grabbing the lightsaber and diving off the wall towards the Sith, impaling him on the purple lightsaber. Dagon left the blade in the man as he flew across the floor and lay there, motionless...
26  1:45am 17/01/06        
Union Bounty Hunter
Brant's eyes widened as Dagon speared the Sith with the blade, and then, as if the man were a bomb, energy exploded from the man. Dagon seemed utterly unphased, still in shock, but that energy awoke something in Brant. Somethign tiny. A lust. A lust for power. And he felt....different. He could somewhat feel Dagon even with his eyes closed. He knew he was there.

And the anger! Anger was flooding into him from this fallen Sith. Hate. Anger. Fear. Doubt. Darkness... THen he felt the new presense inside him. The owner of the hate and the anger and the fear and the doubt, and the darkness.

"What is this?" Brant demanded, grabbing his head.

"What did you say, Brant?" Dagon asked, beign jerked from his stare.

Before Brant began to answer, he felt a sudden urge to lash out at Dagon and yell at him, but Brant pushed it from him with a flick of his horns which hugn from his head. Scared by this dark side of him, he knew he had to leave.

" have to go...." Brant nodded, and then lifted his lightsaber from the chest of the Sith, and a strange tinglign inside him told him to attack Dagon and take all of the bounty, but once again, he won over this inner darkness, "I'll arrange for the bounties to be given to our accoutns on my way out. It was good working with you."

And with that Brant walked away.

After he stopped by the Financial District and arranged for the boutnies to be inserted into Dagon and his accounts Brant did something he thoguht that he would never do. He sold the Flir. He didn't know why, but he didn't liek this part of him. He traded it for a battered Lambda-Class Transport, and within the hour he was in space, preparing for a jump.

As he entered hyperspace, he slid the holodisk into his new starship's computer, and began to read it. The schematics of the M-Wing once again apeared. Brant had arrived on Astral Astoria Brant Flir, but he had left two seperte people. Brant the bounty hunter and pilot, and Flir, the Dark Side. By now he was out of the system, and would not return for a time to come.

THe readouts flashed in front of his face as hyperspace sped by....
27  1:17am 18/01/06        
Bounty Hunter
Dagon had not questioned Brant or tried to stop or pursue him in any way. There was a dark power inside his voice - he felt the same thing when the Sith had spoken to him. There was a terror that he felt when Brant retrieved his lightsaber, he felt for a moment that he should grab it and strike Brant down before he could do it to him but found himself considering otherwise.

The bounty hunter walked around the Astral Astoria for a while being checking in at the Financial District to find that the bounties had been properly deposited. He felt some gratitude in knowing that it was a job well done - but some emptiness and questioning thought in what had occured in these past few hours. A regular hired killing turned into something much more; conspiracy, betrayal and the involvement of Sith, Jedi... Dagon found himself in his cockpit then readying for take-off before his head cleared from the recap from the days events.

As he finished the calculation for the jump to hyperspace he felt a new emotion stir within him - a new realization of all living things, and a need to pursue something that he did not understand... but not another bounty.

28  5:56am 27/03/10        
