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Galactic Citizen

The Rebel Faction » Forums » Role Playing » Astral Astoria » Always in trouble


21  8:43pm 13/02/05        
I'm trying to get an atmosthere
death to the headens
22  9:43pm 13/02/05        
El mas chingon!
And learn to spell while you're at it.
[url=""] [/url]
23  9:52pm 13/02/05        
General Grevious:
And learn to spell while you're at it.
ah I thought someone would mention that but if you dont mind I'll want to foucus on my RP
death to the headens
24  7:41pm 16/02/05        
friend of the sleeping pill
Kose, have you been to [url=""]The Gungan Council[/url]? I think you might like it there.
25  8:27pm 21/02/05        
A holo flim great (MC are calm latley ah a letter from my unkle) dam huh oh he's found her! good " you I'll kill you " huh slayer *slashing* ha you lose "noo" ha ha done no prob's a hierring convention look for a job at VC oh I like it
death to the headens
26  7:50am 24/02/05        
"warning the LSF mars is under atack" let's get out of here run boy I'll fight them of run "hurry there an escape pod here" *get's in escape pod* ahh much better now let's find life let's go.
death to the headens
27  7:50pm 24/02/05        
hmmm oh a a a hole *flash bling* oh what a station " who dares enter confederation teratorie " what year is it " ha 4981 what you from the past" I think I am oh shi* huh oh no " the grand viser will want a spicemen like you homo sapien were homo urainian ha ha ha" help! a void *flash* huh back home
the same station odd " hrrrr you you slayer is back ha ha ha".......
death to the headens
28  6:35pm 01/03/05        
don't try it slayer " Sorry loser I'll kill you " *slash slash crash * huh mc! "thank you master save me please " hrrr go away * Slash* ahh ohh " run now slayer"
"ok master"
noo hrr ah oww yow * slash * come back MC coward (got to find LT comander kose )
death to the headens
29  6:52pm 01/03/05        
slayer past present
4000 years ago (2181BC) on earth....
rahhhh *slash* push push ahh "you will never defeat me lord costof" hmmm you will bow down to me lord loser RRRRAHHHHHHHH!! *flash bang* "ohhh ah kooh" hail Slayer " HAIL SLAYER! " ha ha ha ha ha I am king

present 2181 ESY 92 SC:
die LSF Mars *bling bang KABOOM* muhahahaha huh escape pod's I'll get them noo they entered hyper space * entered hyper space * I'll get him
death to the headens
30  5:58pm 02/03/05        
(FROM the vision of lt comander kose)

huh slayer,unkle what are you... "hrrrrrah"
"noooo" *bang*
*cough*unkle unkle *blast* slayer whoa unkle dead
"yeah he's dead"
hmmm hrrrahh *flash bang* ha ha ah he's alive no
no haa dam *slash bang* he's deadyes unkle ha *heals him* ha your alive
"yeah MC lost we won yeah"

The end
post your coments
death to the headens
