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The Rebel Faction » Forums » Role Playing » Astral Astoria » Confessions of a Lover [Closed, Vasuki] - {Rated:18+ Not for minors!}


11  4:13pm 26/08/05        
Hired As A Labourer
Daisuke moaned. His erection was growing more, insatiably hardened. He struggled to undo his lover's pants, stroking his crotch at the same time with his other hand. He was already breathing heavily, it had been so long since he had been touched by anyone. Since Yuki left for his business, Daisuke remained alone and wanted nobody's touch to comfort him. His female fans digged him even more; no, they wanted Gackt even more because it gave him a mysterious and indifferent image. But Gackt and Daisuke were different. Daisuke was in love and Gackt suffered from it.

Daisuke threw his shirt to the side, but then suddenly turned Yuki around, pinning him down on the bed. He looked down on Yuki, through his light blonde locks. "Yuki, I don't want you to leave me, ever again." Without waiting for a response, he leaned down and pressed his lips against Yuki's, his tongue re-discovering the warmth of his lover's mouth. He unbuttoned his shirt while his lips trailed around his neck and chest, before leaning slowly, downwards to his pants.

As his tongue licked around Yuki's abs, his hands pulled down his pants, inch by inch, as well as his underwear. "Yuki ..." He whispered, his hot breath around his lover's cock, his eyes remembering the sight of it, his mouth wanting a taste of it.
12  6:21pm 26/08/05        
// pink killer
Vasuki let out an audible gasp as he was thrown roughly on his back, Daisuke's mouth coming down forcefully over his, tongue probing the moist crevice as his hands fumbled with the buttons of his shirt. The rocker's lips then teased a line down the length of his torso, slowly making their way down towards his crotch, and Vasuki's breaths were ragged as his erection strained painfully against the material of his briefs. Normally, the drug-dealer was almost always the domineering one, but apparently the time spent apart had brought out about a drastic role reversal … and he rather liked it.

He quickly slipped out of his underwear and grabbed onto Daisuke's hair with now clumsy fingers, then instinctively shifted his hips upward, ever so slightly. All at once his throbbing member was enveloped in the deliciously warm, wet sensations of his lover's mouth, while a few stray strands of Daisuke's hair tickled the sides of his crotch. Vasuki threw his head back against the bed, a low groan involuntarily sounding from between his lips.

"Ngh …"
... my world of melted colours ...
13  10:46am 29/08/05        
Hired As A Labourer
Daisuke wanted his lover to know that they belonged to each other. Back then, Yuki always took the lead. He always forced him down and fucked him. Today was going to be different - Daisuke was going to show him that nothing could possibly beat what they have, that they were meant for each other. He couldn't care less about the legions of fans that would be disappointed to know he was gay. He was in love and he couldn't help it.

His tongue ran up and down his lover's member, noticing that he was getting hot himself. Yuki had made him suck his cock so many times, yet each time, it felt like it was the first time. He enjoyed watching Yuki just thrown back, his body trembling with pleasure. He knew only he could make him feel this way. Daisuke continued to suck on his member until he tasted some pre-cum. Then, he just held Yuki's cock in his warm hand and rubbed it, going back upwards to bite onto his lower lip.

"Do you even remember the last time you came for a man ...?" He whispered into his lover's ear as his hand began getting more rough down there.
14  3:58pm 29/08/05        
in the depths of r'lyeh<br>IQ Rating: 200<br>She's smarterer than everyone!
// we all get out want me as a fever so low // positive voice negative pills everyone everything
// a fever a fever now you can see remind me
15  4:02pm 29/08/05        
// pink killer
Vasuki tilted his head sideways to nip lightly at his lover's earlobe, his breaths coming in pants and gasps while Daisuke gradually but surely worked him into a frenzy, his hand quickening and becoming more and more forceful with each stroke. "Either way, it's been too long," he finally replied, his answer more a stifled grunt than anything else. Vasuki's tongue, which had all this time been engaged with Daisuke's in a fierce kiss, now drew back into his own mouth as his lips parted with a shuddering moan. He was hardly able to contain himself for much longer; the singer was the only who could ever bring Vasuki so close to the point of orgasm, so quickly -- but no, he wasn't ready, not just yet. His hand shot down to grab hold of Daisuke's, pushing it aside.

"How about we try something a little different for a change …" he whispered, rolling the other man back onto his back and sitting astride him again. He had no objections to the thought of his lover taking the reigns for a change, but after all, the night had only just begun; Daisuke would have plenty of time later to indulge in any of his fantasies and Vasuki would very willingly oblige, though it seemed to go against his character. He would consent to anything and everything his lover imposed upon him, gladly, and he would love every second of it.

Because tonight … tonight was going to be special.

He licked two of his fingers, dampening it with saliva to act as lubrication before they coiled around Daisuke's hardened shaft, caressing it up and down vigorously and without displaying any of the gentle adoration his lover had embraced him with only moments ago. Vasuki's was a different kind of love altogether, as was evident in the half-choked groans of ecstasy mixed with pain that the musician uttered now. At the same time, Vasuki reached for his carelessly discarded jacket on the side of the bed and pulled out what looked like a syringe from one of its inner pockets, then set it aside on a small adjoining table; the timing wasn't right, not just yet. Daisuke appeared to notice the movement, his eyes widening apprehensively in between his heavy breathing, and to this the drug-lord responded by tightening his grip on the man's cock and increasing both speed and friction as he continued to stroke furiously, relentlessly … mercilessly.

"Relax, Daisuke." He lowered his head to the level of the singer's chest, his tongue lapping and his lips sucking on and around the hardened nipples. The mild touch contrasted starkly with the near-feverish action below, thus adding to the sense of pleasure. "Don't you trust me ?"
... my world of melted colours ...
16  12:57am 18/09/05        
Hired As A Labourer
"Ngh ..."

"Don't you trust me ?" His lover asked, but Daisuke's body was drowned in physical pleasure for him to answer right away. He had indeed noticed the syringe put on the small table near them, but too many thoughts were racing through his mind at this minute to care. He trusted Yuki. He was in love with him. "Yuki ..." He moaned the man's name.

His head thrown back into the pillows, he ran one of his hands through Yuki's hair and the other one through his own, tugging on his lover's hair at the same time. His body felt hot and he couldn't stand it anymore. He pulled Yuki upwards and pressed his mouth against his in a violent kiss, feeling the warmth inside his mouth with his tongue. "Yuki, I can't stand it ... I want you ..." He almost whimpered. He wanted to have his sex so badly, it hurt him inside. "... Fuck me like an animal."
17  2:36pm 24/09/05        
// pink killer
It was a plea that did not need to be repeated twice; pressing his own chest tightly against Daisuke's, Vasuki brought his mouth down to cover his lover's, smothering him with incessant kisses that were all at once soft, almost tender, but nonetheless incredibly heated. His lips trailed a path across his cheeks and throat, enveloping his face with light, feathery caresses, while his hand moved towards Daisuke's crotch again, brushing past the tip of his erection and traveling further downwards until it was settled over the slight hollow of his anus. Vasuki eased the tip of one of his fingers inside, allowing plenty of time for the boy to adjust to the new sensation, and a second finger rubbed gently against the surrounding area, relaxing the tense muscles until it too was pushed in alongside the first. All the while, Vasuki continued kissing him, painting invisible patterns onto his skin with his tongue with an unexpected kindness that served to comfort his partner's pained gasps and pants.

"You're going to be mine tonight, Daisuke," he whispered softly into his ear as a third finger slipped inside; by now, Daisuke's eyes had been squeezed shut, beads of perspiration beginning to form atop his brow. Vasuki's free hand stroked the boy's hair, his fingers alternately pushing deeper inside and then out, and after a few minutes of this they slipped outwards completely. Lowering himself down on his lover's body, he clasped his hands around Daisuke's legs and lifted them up, spreading them far apart before bringing his knees to rest over both his shoulders. A smile lighted up his features at that exact moment, one that wasn't tainted with his usual deceit or pretense, one that was actually, unusually enough, sincere.

"I love you."

With that, he thrust forward, clamping his mouth down over Daisuke's so as to stifle his cries.
... my world of melted colours ...
