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Galactic Citizen

The Rebel Faction » Forums » Role Playing » Astral Astoria » a sith hunts


11  1:39pm 29/05/05        
Bounty Hunter
Seth Vinda:
Would you like for me to delete the OOC messages shadow?
...and Dango, sometimes these things happen, if you are overly concerned about it, post a topic in the OOC forum and raise it there and we can all discuss it there. Not in the middle of someone elses thread, thanks.

I was about to reply to this myself...

Did you still wish to continue it Shadow? time I´ll know
12  1:43pm 29/05/05        
hey seth if you could please delete all this OOC now htat would be great
13  1:58pm 29/05/05        
Admin - New Republican - VC Magnate - Reasonable Redcoat
yep np.

No prob's Dango, no harm done. ;)
14  1:59pm 29/05/05        
yep and thanks seth
15  3:19pm 29/05/05        
Onboard the Astral Astoria

Nessus glanced on the computer console and saw the ship, his mind ticking over...

He glanced around to see if anyone else had noticed it, and realised he was on his own.

The controller, had stepped out and no-one had seen him since, which was highly unusual, so unusual that it worried him.

The ship had not hailed, nor had it attempted to come any closer...

..probably wondering whether they had taken a wrong turning ... He thought to himself, ( starting to worry)...

This had happened a few times since the Astoria's sudden arrival, they had very nearly missed having a collision on more than one occasion.

..and (Ayan had reasoned), it probably would be the case until people got used to the huge station being here...

Perhaps I should inform the Mistress?.. (He fretted to himself inwardly)

His thought algorythyms seemed to go into overdrive...

Perhaps I should just let them know they aren't in the wrong place...yes that would be a nice thing to do...perhaps offer them a cup of Andulusion Tea?...

Looking over his shoulders nervously for anyone to help him, Nessus finally, made his mind up...

...The Caretaker Prime likes initiative (he told himself )

Slowly he recalled the procedure and duly followed it to the 'T' , first checking with the downport control to see if the area was clear. Then doublechecking again, just to make sure, and after the third time , (and an annoyed downport superviser) he gingerly opened a comms channel to the craft outside.

"...Welcome to the Astral Astoria, we have many facilities and services to offer a weary traveller like yourself, perhaps you would like a fresh oil-bath?, a memory upgrade, or even a new limb?...we cater to all tastes here...downport bay 41 is clear. Just give your craft over to our tractor array and it will do the work for you...I'll put the kettle on!"

Although his face didn't show it, Nessus felt quite pleased with himself, and wondered whether he should go and see whether the traveller would take the invitation...
16  6:17pm 07/06/05        
nice one shadow
i liked it the sith rule the galaxey adn kick some tuquas
17  11:14pm 07/06/05        
friend of the sleeping pill
