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Galactic Citizen

The Rebel Faction » Forums » Role Playing » Astral Astoria » Always in trouble


11  8:07pm 09/02/05        
ahh a job center " hey i have a job for you " what is it?" diliver this to the casino ok?" fine " aw you know your ment to give jobs to Hot Dog tornados no.1 dilivery guy "
" you wont be geting jobs from me get there before him please!!"
" hmm come on then lets race"
" borrow my speeder"
oh god which way ha "you pice off" *speeds on* whao "ha ha" no "heres your dilivery"oh no!" ha you see that annie no one beats Hot Dog!" oh no no cash god!! "I cant belive it how did a comander lose to Hot Dog?"
death to the headens
12  8:46pm 09/02/05        
oh oh " you dont look good" OH ANNIE! im fine hmm hot dog "yeah" ill race you agian so i can get my pay " ok" hrrrrrr hrrrrrr go go go "oh no" ha beat you!! " awwwww momma !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ha i did it!!!! " well done heh my name" you slayer.......
death to the headens
13  9:02pm 09/02/05        
.... long time no see since you beat my dad "last time we met you nearly died when you were 18 bu..." yeah but im 21 now ill beat you *constant slashing* die you vampire "hmmmmmmmmmmm" *stabs* ha die " no only pure bloulds can kill me " ... oh o no! cast of light *sword flashes* "no not this agian ill be back"*Vanishes* ha i beat hi..... *fiants*.....
death to the headens
14  4:26pm 10/02/05        
....... oh.. oh what hapened " well you beat slayer" who are you? "hmm me luke " luke what you doing here " i escaped here too slayers dad von draco is after you he's 1001 years old" wow he must be a crank heh lets get going oww!"you should stay in bed dont get in a storp about it"
death to the headens
15  8:27pm 10/02/05        
hmmm ah! more work "lisen get the next load go to the casino" "fred give me the load my names road hog" fine ill race "ok" ha get out of the way road kill!! *zooom* "ohhhhhhhh no i've lost...." ha i win and this time no atactments"hrr you comander kose prepare to die im von draco....."
death to the headens
16  9:01pm 12/02/05        
you von draco i'll take you " foolish boy" *saps enygy* no....... oh............ no *stabs him* ha ah " ha ha ha foolish earth boy i am indesturktable" we'll see cast of light *stabs* ha die "no you missherd me" oh no *saps life froce* ahhhhhhhh *blast* who what when "don't worry you'll get some credits for his defeat but now rest" *fiants*
death to the headens
17  9:55am 13/02/05        
...uh who are you unkle your ment to be dead after the LSF Mars " hmmp i escaped i've traced your mum far away I'll go look for her and stay out of trouble" ok my credits"ok here 400 " whoohooo!! anyway let's head our own paths see ya "yeah later"
death to the headens
18  5:01pm 13/02/05        
hmmmmmmm *smash* huh no not mc " get the boy" " yes sir" ahhh hang on i'll fight them " this is the police drop your wepons " " die " * kills them * time for you to die "dont be so sure" *slash slash slash* ha "I'm sill standing die " oh damit *draw slash* ha ha ha......... more? *blast* oh they wernt after me " get her" "ahhhhhh" *blast blast* " you cant take care of it then I'll take it" *bilp* "ohhhhhhh ahhhhh"
death to the headens
19  7:46pm 13/02/05        
oh oh oh yaaaaa what oh no the gear oh a letter from unkle oh no his gun its gone oh annie go away (MC were after the gear hrrrr) they have a room in the casino " you ill kill you" ahh *stab* "no" MC "HA you are weak the gear has made me supieror" i'll show you *slash* no *killing* no no cast of lighttttttttttttt hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr *slash* ha ha "noooooooooooo" oh oh I beat them ohhhh yes god *fall* ahhhhhhh I feel cold "what you doing here come on lets take you to your room.Huh what....
death to the headens
20  8:39pm 13/02/05        
friend of the sleeping pill
Look, learn to goddamn type or quit posting already.
