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The Rebel Faction » Forums » General Discussion » To-do List » The New(ish) TRF. Rules / updates, etc...


1  10:03pm 09/07/15        
Admin - New Republican - VC Magnate - Reasonable Redcoat
Alright Ladles and Jelly-spoons, after being away for quite a while it turns out I have some spare time.
Upon my return, I see a few things that could do with finishing off and updating etc...

So I would like to help out if I can and help get this relatively newish TRF up to scratch. Both for the vets, and for any potential newbies, lets not forget, the new star wars films are only around the corner.

First on the agenda  IMO is to get the rules / FAQs sorted. I know we have a page for it, but well last time I looked it was blank, lol.

I know Titus is a busy man, but if we can get stuff sorted for him, then all he needs to do is add it whenever he gets a chance.

Now this also strikes me as a good time to update, revamp or exclude / throw out and mangle old rules for new ones.

Someone may have already started this so , if that is the case, point me in the right direction!

If not well, my question to you lot is, is there anything you would like to actually see rules-wise at TRF?

New Force user rules? 

R&D suggestions?

This is just my personal opinion I am not speaking for the rest of the staffers, but so far I think the common sense style seems to work fine.

Do we still use the force council? If so is it still needed?

Maybe some clarification needed there?

Anyway, forgive this post's random nature, but you get the idea....

2  10:08am 16/07/15        
Admin - New Republican - VC Magnate - Reasonable Redcoat
Nothing? Really? lol

Was my last revision of the rules that good no-one has anything more to add?


3  12:28pm 16/07/15        
Is dead. Would rather not be.
Is there some way we can rework the rules so that I'm right, like, always?

Seriously, though, I think Zark and Ahnk are our only Master-level Force Users right now, so that could be an issue regarding the Force Council.
4  12:34pm 16/07/15        
Kneel Before Zod!
Not to pop your happy bubble but I do not think anyone had access to the rules to remember what they were to suggest a change.  Now that Titus has unlocked the archive, I think people can read up and offer some suggestions (if any).

There was a query about planetary takeover rules recently that we tried answering using common sense since none of us actually had the rules and could not remember if what we remembered were actually the latest revision of the rules or an earlier iteration.

Personally - We do not need a force council.
5  1:17pm 16/07/15        
Admin - New Republican - VC Magnate - Reasonable Redcoat
haha, just thought I'd leave that bait out there.

Knew someone would chip in.


But in all seriousness, I think if alone, for the reason you just stated above Om, we really should get something up.

If we're at a point as staff where none of us can actually remember the rules, then we'd better get it sorted, lol

I'm with you as far as the force council is concerned, my personal feeling is that it is obsolete at this point really, I think we're just down to common sense again.

Actually Titus sent me a copy of the FAQ's / Rules he has I've been sifting through them.

6  12:35pm 17/07/15        
assistant regional titus & epic space jesus
I think we need a Force Council and that I should be the only one on it. (My first and only act would be making it a board rule that Irtar cannot ever advance past Padawan)

The reality is, pretty much everyone on the board has got some sort of Force user qualifications (the only ones I can think of would be Reshmar and Trachta). Ahnk and I are the only Master levels at this point pretty much because we're the only ones that write our characters that way, albeit having done so under an environment with strict Force training requirements. If say Seth were to write (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH MAN I AM HILARIOUS) Natalya in a thread where she is becoming more confident in her abilities, I would have no real problem with promoting her through an NPC or whatever. This is because one I trust Seth to be as reasonable as a Redcoat can possibly be, and two because the character development is there, as it is for all of our bittervets.

Should the time come when new people arrive and express an interest in Forcin' it up (that's a technical Force Council term), I would imagine it would be more of a community judgment call expressed in a more casual way until the point at which that system would be sustainable, and then a proper Force Council would likely have to be reinstated.

As far as R&Ds, I would advocate for making a page for old and new submissions under the same general system, except I'd say dump the thread requirement if we still have it. There's only so many variants on intense skunkworks action before it becomes sort of bland and serves no purpose other than an additional effort blocker. But others might disagree, I dunno.
7  10:24am 18/07/15        
Blink If You Can Hear Me
I think the intro R&D is a good idea, but I am not sure if anyone is reading them.
OS: In a world of bon-bons, you are a twinkie.
Ahnk: God damn you, I am Count Chocula and you know it.
I'm not spending my anniversary night thumping my head against the wall. - Damalis, on Moderating TRF
Then tell him you want it harder, damnit! - Ahnk, on Damalis
8  2:53pm 18/07/15        
Kneel Before Zod!
I read some from time to time if I am trying to wrap my head around some tech.
9  11:22pm 18/07/15        
Is dead. Would rather not be.
Can we add a rule where you can't Force Mind Control my NPCs into crashing their ships into a third party's civilian populations?
10  10:55am 19/07/15        
Blink If You Can Hear Me
Omnae is immune to the rules.
OS: In a world of bon-bons, you are a twinkie.
Ahnk: God damn you, I am Count Chocula and you know it.
I'm not spending my anniversary night thumping my head against the wall. - Damalis, on Moderating TRF
Then tell him you want it harder, damnit! - Ahnk, on Damalis
